"Fra Hakadal" rose Photos
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Arvids garden, Lista, 21st of July 2013
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 3 SEP 13 |
arvids garden, Lista 21st of July 2013
Uploaded 3 SEP 13 |
Arvids garden, Lista, 21st of July 2013
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 3 SEP 13 |
Arvid`s garden, Lista, southwestern coast of Norway, July 2009. So where are the flowers in this photo? Sorry, there are no flowres. As a matter of fact the plant produced only two flowers this year which is an improvement of 200% from last season when there were none. All the same, to sit and watch this rose in company with hops, a clematis and ivy perform its lovely ballet dance around the trunk of my pear tree has been the source of many joyful moments. This teaches us the importance of being happy with what is - rather than being annoyed with what is not.. It teaches us to see the beauty in other things than the expected; which is very important for a gardener as the plants live their own lives and many things turn out quite differently from what you had hoped for.
Ja hvor er nå blomstene hen i bildet her da? Det er ganske riktig ingen blomster å se. Planta hadde bare to blomster i år, noe som er en forbedring på 200% fra i fjor da det ikke var noen. Allikevel har det vært en kilde til mange gledelige øyeblikk å sitte og se denne rosa sammen med humle, en klematis og eføy danse ballett rundt stammen på pæretreet mitt. Dette lærer oss hvor viktig det er å glede seg over det som er, heller enn å ergre seg over det som ikke er. Det lærer oss å se skjønnheten i noe annet enn det man forventer. Plantene lever sitt eget liv, og mye blir annerledes enn man hadde tenkt seg.
Uploaded 25 SEP 09 |
Arvids garden, Lista, 21st of July 2013
Uploaded 3 SEP 13 |
Arvid`s garden Lista, southwestern coast of Norway, July 2009. I got this plant a number of years ago from the nursery of Mellbye who propagated for sale this shrub/climber said to have been found in the valley of Hakadal. To me she looks a lot like an alba rose but for the foliage which seems to have a lighter green colour more reminding of that of Minette ,rather than the typical bluish green colour of the albas. She has not been a good one to perform with splendid flushes so far, which is perhaps more to blame on me for putting her in a somewhat shady spot rather than on the plant herself. However the annoying thing is that buds for some reason or other seem to harden, preventing them from opening. Well, flowers or no flowers she has all the same a special quality in as much as she is caressingly embracing the trunk of a pear tree,and together with the clematis Multi Blue and some stray hops she is performing a lovely ballet dance, decorating the trunk in a perfect way; and thus also paying a tribute to her name which means "The Queen of the Ball."
Jeg fikk denne fra Mellbye for en del år siden. Hun ser ut som ei Albarose bortsett fra bladverket som har en lysere grønnfarge mer som Minettes og ikke det blågrønne bladverket
typisk for albarosene. Hun har vært uvillig til å blomstre, noe som vel må tilskrives den noe skyggefulle plassen hun har fått seg tildelt snarere enn henne selv. Knoppene har imidlertid en kjedelig tendens til å bli harde så de ikke åpner seg. Vel, blomster eller ikke blomster så har jeg oppdaga en annen verdi hos henne. Hvor vakkert hun kjærtegnende omfavner stammen på et pæretre, og sammen med klematisen Multi Blue og noen forvilla ranker av humle oppviser hun en vakker ballettdans og gjør slett ikke skam på navnet sitt.
Uploaded 20 JUL 09 |
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