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'Auguste Gervaise' rose References
Article (newspaper)  (Apr 2011)  Page(s) 2.  Includes photo(s).
Patricia Routley: We held a Heritage Roses in Australia cutting day at our property in May, 2003 and members came from everywhere, bringing and exchanging cuttings of old roses. Judy Leahy from Mt. Barker brought me cuttings of a wichurana rambler she called ‘Leontine Gervais’, 1903. Many of them struck and later, when Alison Duffy organized a fete on December 15, I was able to donate a pot of ‘Leontine Gervais’. Glenda Maloney bought that one and planted it at the back of the Bibbulmun Break Motel. Years later, my research revealed that the real ‘Leontine Gervais’ has only a 5cm or two inch size bloom. Our rose is probably double that size and so I am pretty sure that ‘Leontine Gervais’ is not its correct name. As my rose grew and started to bloom, it became obvious that it was the same rose as another one I got earlier in 2000 as a cutting from The Cidery in Bridgetown. There it was named “Brownlow Hill Rambler” and The Cidery had bought all their roses from Melville’s Nursery near Perth. Back to the books again which tell me that the rose had been found at the historic property of Brownlow Hill at Camden, NSW. For a while it hit the market as the “Brownlow Hill Rambler” but after the Brownlow Hill people objected to Honeysuckle Cottage nursery using their name, the nursery sold it under the name of ‘Mme. Alice Garnier’ 1906. However, as ‘Mme. Alice Garnier’ is also a small bloom, neatly quilled and apparently a pure baby pink, I don’t think our rose is ‘Mme. Alice Garnier either. For the moment, the best bet seems to be Auguste Gervais bred by Barbier in France in 1916. This was said to be a semi-double of varying copper-pink to yellow with a bloom size of 10-12cm or 4.5 inches. That fits. The only fly in the ointment is that ‘Auguste Gervais’ is said to fade to creamy white and I don’t think ours does. Anyway, the Maloney’s rose now tumbles over the back fence into the laneway and flowers magnificently for many weeks each spring. The great rambling red canes suddenly grow for metres while your back is turned and if the canes touch the ground, like all the shiny-leaved wichurana roses, it will take root. You do have to watch out for this and it is best to make it go up something so that it can cascade out. I lift the obedient canes up with a broom to where I want them to go. It is prickly. There seems a lot of negatives in this description but in spring it really is magnificent and people are desperate to have this rose and can be seen scrabbling around in the dirt here, seeking a wayward rootling. Pruning the wichurana roses consists of donning protective gear once every five years and wading in to remove the older and thicker canes right at the base of the plant. A service lane is the ideal place to be beautified by these rampant wichurana roses that never need watering and they can turn ugly fences into a colourful and lush place, just lavish with bloom and beauty.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 168.  
'Auguste Gervais' (Barbier, 1918).
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 94.  Includes photo(s).
‘Auguste Gervais’: Grimpant à grandes fleurs... longs rameaux flexibles aisés à palisser sur une pergola, un treillage ou à conduire en rosier pleureur… grandes fleurs à peine doubles, un peu ébouriffées au plein épanouissement, éclosent en camaïeu de saumon clair et jaune cuivré, puis passent à l’ivoire en fin de floraison… Le feuillage menu, abondant et luisant, est parfois touché par l’oïdium. Barbier France 1918…
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 548.  
Auguste Gervaise Wichuriana. Barbier Frères & Compagnie 1916.
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 239.  
Auguste Gervais Barbier, France, 1918... First-class foliage and large flowers... coppery flame-pink on the reverse which makes a splendid contrast to the bland creamy-apricot on the inside of the petals... always beautiful in hot weather... Has a long flowering season...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 32.  
Auguste Gervais Large-flowered Climber, coppery yellow and salmon, fading white, 1918, R. wichuraiana x 'Le Progrès'; Barbier. Description.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 120, 202.  Includes photo(s).
Page 120: [Photo] A large-flowered Rambler. Barbier (France) 1918. (Rosa wichuraiana x 'Le Progrès')
Page 202: [Photo] A large-flowered Rambler. Barbier (France) 1918. (Rosa wichuraiana x 'Le Progrès')
Book  (May 1992)  Page(s) 314.  
Auguste Gervais Hybrid Wichuraiana. Barbier (France) 1918. R. wichuraiana x 'Le Progrès'... [flowers] coppery-yellow suffused salmon, paling quickly with age to creamy-white...
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 137.  
Auguste Gervais’ Rosa luciæ x ‘Le Progrès’. Obtenu par Barbier en 1918. Haut. 7 m. Comment ne pas aimer son très beau feuillage, ses grandes fleurs doubles, ivoire abricot à l’intérieur et rose flammée de cuivre en dehors. Plus pâles sous un chaud soleil, elles s’épanouissent longuement au milieu de l’été et il est bien rare que l’on n’en revoit pas quelques-unes après la floraison principale.
Article (website)  (1982)  Page(s) 9.  
Auguste Gervais​ (wichuraiana​ Climber)​ Clusters​ of​ large,​ semi-double​ flowers​ of pink and gold, fading to soft pink.​ Very fragrant.​ Rich, mid-green,​ shiny foliage.​1918.​ (S)​ 12 x 12’
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