'Archduchess Thérèse' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 701. Thérèse-Isabelle, Archiduchesse (tea) Barbot 1834; white, center yellow, large, double
Book (1902) Page(s) 68. Thé. 1285. Archiduchesse Thérèse-Isabelle (Barbot 1834), blanc jaunâtre
Book (1899) Page(s) 13. Archiduchesse Thérèse Isabelle, thé, blanc jaunatre
Book (1884) Page(s) 5. Archiduchesse Thérèse. White, center lemon-coloured, large and full, cupped.
Book (1884) Page(s) 5. Archiduchesse Isabelle. Large, full, yellowish.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p.11. tea, Archiduchesse Thérèse, white, yellowish centre, large, full, cupped.
Book (1874) Page(s) 99. NOMENCLATURE DES VARIÉTÉS MODERNES. Rosiers thés ou indiens. Archiduchesse Thérèse, fleur grande, pleine, jaunâtre.
Website/Catalog (1871) Page(s) 61. Thés...Archiduchesse Thérèse, fleur grosse pleine, jaunâtre.
Website/Catalog (1861) Page(s) 85. Tea-Scented Roses. 50 cents each, $5 per dozen. Archduchesse Therese Isabelle — Creamy white, large and beautiful; cupped.
Book (1858) Page(s) 263. Archiduchesse Thérèse Isabelle, large, full, yellowish, flat cup form.