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'Super Conquerant ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 170-816
most recent 21 FEB HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 FEB
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 170-815
most recent 21 FEB HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 FEB
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 170-814
most recent 21 FEB HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 FEB
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 119-717
most recent 8 JAN 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 JAN 20 by jc_7a_MiddleTN
I'm surprised this isn't a more popular climber.
In its first year (own root) for me, it did not grow much but put out a couple flowers that were flawless.
The photos don't do it justice. It looks like red porcelain. Delicate, flat, and very attractive. Perfectly red, but not bright or harsh.
The flowers lasted a long while in full afternoon sun and it was my only rose that did not get any blackspot.

Roses Unlimited is where I got mine in 2019.
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