"Somerville Big Pink" rose Reviews & Comments
Just informational, Heirloom Roses lists this as Zone 5.
I had a 'Madame Caroline Testout' survive almost a decade in zone 6; but it is just a matter of luck and the weather. A warm late Feb. or early March approaching 60 deg. followed by a deep freeze in the teens will kill many roses.
Can I ask if you had winter protection on those or not? I'm just curious, I haven't lost a rose yet here in zone 5 Wisconsin but I have compost and mulch mounded on the roses. I probably just jinxed myself.
Generally I would mound up some wood chips around the base of the plant. But the failure I describe above is a function of the rose starting to leaf out and then having a cold spell kill the emerging foliage. Mounding the base would not have an effect on this type of failure.
Does Mme Caroline Testout have pink eyelashes (stamens)? I'm trying to identify a foundling.
I live in the Western United States. Can you tell me where I can order online the CarolineTestout Rose. Thank you for your help.
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