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'Madame de Watteville' rose References
Booklet  (2022)  Page(s) 38-39.  Includes photo(s).
"Kombacy Marianne"
Website/Catalog  (21 May 2020)  
Kombacy Marie Anne (Aus) Almost certainly Mme de Watteville

Mme. de Watteville (Fineschi) This is the correct clone collected from the Fineschi gardens in Cavriglia. Franziska Kruger is often sold under this name and is incorrect. We grow “Kombacy Marie Anne” from Australia close to our Mme. De Watteville and they appear identical
Magazine  (2019)  Page(s) 49 & 50. Vol 41, No. 1.  Includes photo(s).
p49.  Margaret Furness.  Tea, Noisette and China Mislabels in Australia.
Roses sold here as Mme de Watteville have proved to be either Mme Joseph Schwartz or Etoile de Lyon.

p50.  Caption: Some people in Europe who grow our “Kombacy Marianne” (above right) say it matches the Mme. De Watteville in the great Fineschi garden in Italy.  
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 152.  
Obtentions de J-B. Guillot fils
1883. Madame de Watteville (T), Catalogue
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 379.  Includes photo(s).
Mme. de Watteville Tea. Guillot (France) 1883... The large, very fragrant blooms are lemon usually edged in pale pink... it is more tender than other Tea Roses...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 336.  
Mme. de Watteville Tea, yellow blend, 1883, Guillot Fils. Description.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 26.  

Mme de Watteville (Tea) Shapely lemon flowers edged soft pink. Branching habit. 1883 (R) 3 x 3’.

Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 20.  
Les plus belles Roses
Rosiers remontants donnant plusieurs floraisons la même saison
Madame de Watteville (Guillot, 1883).
Fleur grande, pleine, coloris blanc légèrement saumoné bordé de rose vif. Belle.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 750.  
de Watteville, Mme. (tea) Guillot 1883; light salmon-white, edges and reverse vivid pink, large, double, fine form (tulip), lasting, solitary, fragrance 8/10, floriferous, repeats well, ovoid buds, upright stems, few broad red prickles, growth 6/10, upright. Susceptible to frost. Sangerhausen.
(8 Jan 1927)  Page(s) 4.  
IN THE GARDEN. New Year Roses. [...] OLD MME. DE WATTEVILLE. Very few of the present-day gardeners know this old-time pink with a picotee edge of carmine coloring. Why? Because she was cast aside on account of being an easy prey to mildew. It was not Madame herself that was at fault; it was those who were so impatient and so anxious for a change. Only yesterday I cut as pretty a batch of Mme. de Watteville as I have ever handled. Every flower was a gem thing. For years one of my bushes had been overgrown and hidden by a Persian lilac. One day recently I tore away the top-hamper, shortened back the old rose, and turned on the water-tap. Warm sunshine and warm rain won the heart of my old rose-bush, and she flowered as she was wont to do in the days when her name was a household word in every community where roses are grown. It was lovely of her to come back for the New Year. I shall see that no further harm or injury is done to her.
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