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'Anson Jones' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 129-642
most recent 12 NOV 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 NOV 21 by AndrewBarocco
I've got Mike's original notes and the correct parentage for Anson Jones is:

(Carefree Beauty x Carefree Beauty) x Mrs. Oakley-Fisher.
Discussion id : 92-738
most recent 14 MAY 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 MAY 16 by Mille Fleurs
Saw and smelled this one for the first time at a local rose show today. It was entered in the Fragrance category and deservedly won a first place ribbon! Some people said it had a spicy fragrance to them. To me it smelled like jasmine tea. Wonderful! I wanted to drink it in!
Discussion id : 52-301
most recent 18 FEB 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 FEB 11 by Speckled_Hen
Anson Jones has a tendency toward blackspot if not given enough sun. Mine has a bit of blackspot even in full sun, but not a lot. It is the perfect rose for a less formal area or for a mixed perennial border. Mine is at the back of my wildflower area, adding a lot of golden yellow color to that area. This area is very dry and next to the driveway, so it gets very hot. Anson Jones seems to take it in stride. The luminous golden yellow blooms are large and very fragrant (despite the description stating that the fragrance is merely moderate), they last long, and the buds are a beautiful glowing orange. Fragrance wafts from the blooms. Here in south TX, mine bloomed from April straight through December. I was told that it will probably grow no more than 4' or 5' tall, with an upright growth pattern. It has a few little orange hips on it now. Looks smashing combined with Verbena bonariensis and Globe Thistle (Echinops ritro). The secret to its' charm appears to lie in its' parentage: Carefree Beauty and Mrs. Oakley Fisher. Anson Jones was the last president of the Republic of Texas. Available through the Antique Rose Emporium.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 FEB 11 by HMF Admin
Thanks for sharing your experience.
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