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'Cole's Settlement' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 129-645
most recent 12 NOV 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 NOV 21 by AndrewBarocco
I have Mike's original notes and the correct parentage for Cole's Settlement is:

[(Carefree Beauty x Basye's Blueberry) x Heritage] x Heritage
Discussion id : 33-241
most recent 17 JAN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 JAN 09 by anonymous-221378
This rose is a real favorite of mine. Blooms look similiar to Mermaid - they have a scent that is not overpowering but one I love. It grows tall, is impervious to blackspot where I live, is tough and is an all around good rose. Its blooms are single and very large. It is a rose I plan to get a duplicate of in the future.
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