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"The Shell Rose rose References
Magazine  (2007)  Page(s) 28. Vol 29, No. 3.  
Margaret Furness and Pat Toolan: Some Roses in South Australia through Californian Eyes.
We were eager to see whether Phillip Robinson and Gregg Lowery (visiting before the 2006 Busselton Conference) would recognize any of our foundling roses..... 'Petite Renoncule Violette' in David Ruston's garden looks to be the same as the very common Californian foundling that has the study name "Mary Lawrance's Shell Rose" .
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 31.  
"Mary Lawrance's Shell Rose" HCh. o. fff. Habit 3 [E.G. Mme. Plantier. A group similar to the second, also more slender-caned, suckering more broadly, arching and growing wider than tall.] unknown, pre-1799. [Provenance Huntington]. Three roses embody the exceptional beauty of the Hybrid Chinas: "Ruth's Steeple Rose", "Ruth's German Rose" and this. All have light slender canes, smallish formal flowers of many petals, and coloring that is out of the ordinary. The "Shell Rose" is deep, dusky rose-crimson with a small green pointel in the center of each flower.
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