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'Rosa caudata var. caudata' rose References
Article (newsletter)  (Nov 2017)  Page(s) 16-17.  
From the high mountains of northwestern Hupeh comes the rather distinct, uncommon species R. caudata. A smaller rambler compared to many of the other Chinese wild roses, its flowers and leaves vary in size, the flowers rose-red growing in convex corymbs, the hips red-orange, the canes rather sparsely punctuated with straight prickles wide at the base. The sepals are tail-shaped, whence its Latin name (cauda = tail or tail end). Wilson sent seeds of the rose to the Arnold Arboretum during his exploration of 1907-08.
Article (magazine)  (2007)  Page(s) 370, fig. 1.  
R. caudata typical ploidy 2x
Website/Catalog  (2006)  Page(s) 44.  
Rosa caudata Baker
Rosa caudata Baker var. caudata
Book  (1 May 2003)  
Rosa caudata Baker ... 1914.
Shrubs to 4 m tall. Branchlets spreading, terete, glabrous; prickles scattered, triangular, straight, stout. Leaves including petiole 10–20 cm; stipules broad, mostly adnate to petiole, free parts ovate, glandular-pubescent or not, margin entire, apex acuminate; rachis and petiole sparsely glandular-pubescent, shortly prickly; leaflets 7–9, ovate, oblong-ovate, or elliptic-ovate, 3–10 × 1–6 cm, glabrous or sparsely puberulous abaxially along veins, with prominent midvein and lateral veins, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin simply serrate, apex acute or shortly acuminate. Flowers numerous, in corymb, 3.5–6 cm in diam.; pedicel 1.5–4 cm, densely glandular-pubescent or not; bracts several, ovate, margin glandular or not, apex caudate. Hypanthium oblong, densely glandular-pubescent or glabrous. Sepals 5, triangular-ovate, to 3 cm, leaflike, abaxially glabrous, adaxially densely puberulous, margin entire, apex caudate. Petals 5, red, broadly obovate, abaxially glabrous or sericeous, base broadly cuneate, apex emarginate. Styles free, much shorter than stamens, pubescent. Hip orange-red, oblong, 2–2.5 cm, with persistent, often erect sepals. Fl. Jun–Jul, fr. Jul–Nov.
Valley forests, scrub, slopes; 1200--2500 m. Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 141.  
location 150/2, R. caudata Baker, CINNAMOMEAE, western China, ca. 1896, Provenance: Wageningen, red, single, small, floriferous, late-blooming, vigorous, upright, very branched, broad, 4 m, many prickles, dark green small matte foliage, 9 leaflets, orange-red medium size matte-glossy glandular ovoid to bottle-shaped fruit, upright, extended persistent sepals, many hips
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 106-107.  
Rosa caudata/Rosa caudata Bak. = Chine occidentale, introduit vers 1896. Les feuilles, entièrement lisses, ont les revers bleuâtres… Les fruits, en forme de bouteille, sont rouge orangé. Signalons un détail: la singularité des sépales, ils présentent une longue queue (d’où caudata) et l’extrémité en tissu feuillé.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 277.  
R. caudata Baker. Shrub to 4 m./13 ft. high, stems with scattered, stout, straight, to 8 mm./0.3 in. long prickles, much enlarged at the base; leaflets 7-9, ovate-elliptic, 2.5-5 cm./1-2 in. long, simply serrate, stipules glandular-ciliate; flowers few together in corymbs, red, 3.5-5 cm./1.4-2 in. across, June; pedicels and calyx glandular-hispid, rarely nearly bald; sepals entire, caudate, foliaceous at the top; fruits oblong-ovoid, with long neck, 2.5 cm./1 in. long, orange-red, sepals erected. 2n = 14. W. China. About 1896.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 442.  
R. caudàta Bak. Shrub to 4 m.; stems with scattered straight stout prickles to 8 mm. long, broad at base: lfts. 7-9, elliptic-ovate or ovate to oblong-ovate, 2.5-5 cm. long, acute, simply serrate, glabrous and glaucescent beneath: rachis smooth or sparingly prickly and glandular-bristly; stipules rather broad, glandular-ciliate; fls. red, 3.5-5 cm. across, in few-fld. corymbs; pedicels and receptacle glandular-bristly, rarely nearly smooth; sepals entire, long-caudate, with leafy apex: fr. oblong-ovoid, with long neck, 2-2.5 cm. long, orange or coral-red; sepals upright. Fl.VI. W. China. Intr. about 1896. Zone V.
Book  (1939)  Page(s) 59.  
Frank Mason,  NZ.  Species and Hybrids
R. Davidii is a very pretty thing when in berry, and there is Elongata, which has small, urn-shaped fruits of a splendid transparent colour. R. Caudata is in some way connected with these two, but has larger fruits.
Book  (1938)  Page(s) 30.  
Alister Clark.  A Walk Around "Glenara"
Here I grow Rosa Caudata and Rosa Davidii from seeds sent to me by the late E. H. Wilson, of the Arnold Arboretum. The hips always evoke interest at the Autumn Show.
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