'R. jasminoides' rose References
Book (2019) Page(s) 64-67. Rosa onoei Makino var. hakonensis (Franch. et Sav.) H. Ohba (= R. jasminoides Koidz.), J. Jap. Bot. 75:161 (2000), description
Article (newsletter) (Jul 2012) Page(s) 45. R. onoei var. hakonensis (Fig.1. i. faint, sweet fragrance) ..... ....the fragrances which the nine roses below give off were not so intense. They lacked highly fragrant components, and the amounts of the volatiles these roses emit were low: R. acicularis, R. nipponensis, R. fujisanensis, R. onoei var. hakonensis, R. onoei var. oligantha, R. paniculigera, R. luciae, R. luciae f. glandulifera and R. hirtula.
Website/Catalog (2006) Mori-Ibara (Forest Briar) R. onoei Makino var. hakonensis (Franch. et Sav.) H. Ohba syn. =R. jasminoides Koidz. [note also that another variety of R. onoei has this same synonym] J. Jap. Bot. 75:161 (2000) Distribution: Mountainous areas, mainly chestnut ranges, in Honshu (the Kanto district and further west), Shikoku, and Kyushu. No distribution on the Japan Sea side of the Archipelago.
R. onoei var. hakonensis grows naturally in mountainous areas on the Pacific side of Honshu, and in Shikoku and Kyushu. It has a good shade tolerance in woody areas. ... Though its single white flowers, about 2.5 cm across also resemble those of R. multiflora, they are not borne in large clusters in a natural environment, just one or two of them coming at the end of the stem. It produces long, thick peduncles with glandular hairs, and bears oval hips 7 to 12 mm across.
Book (2006) Page(s) 112-113. Includes photo(s). Mori-Ibara (Forest Briar) R. onoei Makino var. hakonensis (Franch. et Sav.) H. Ohba syn. =R. jasminoides Koidz. Same text as on website
Article (magazine) (2000) R. luciae and its 4 varieties (R. luciae var. fujisanensis, R. luicae var. onoei, R. luciae var. hakonensis and R. luciae var. paniculigera) formed one clade that is consistent with their similar morphological characters. In this clade, R. luciae and its 2 varieties (R. luciae var. fujisanensis and R. luciae var. onoei) showed a closer relationship, while R. luciae var. hakonensis and R. luciae var. paniculigera are reluctantly separated from them.
Book (1981) Page(s) 288. Rosa luciae Franch. & Rochebr. var. hakonensis Franch & Sav. Leaflets thin, bald, whitish beneath; terminal one ovate to broadly-ovate, acute or abruptly acuminate; flowers 1-2 together, May-June. (= R. hakonensis Koidz.; R. jasminoides Koidz.) Japan.
Book (1965) Page(s) 540. Rosa luciae ....Var. hakonensis Fr. & Sav. R. jasminoides Koidz.; R. oligantha var. jasminoides (Koidz.) Koidz. - Mori-ibara. Leaflets thin, glabrous, whitish beneath, the terminal ones ovate to broadly so, acute to abruptly acuminate; flowers 1 or 2. May-June. Honshu (Kanto Distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu.
Book (1937) Page(s) 73. Luciae Franch. & Rochebr. (wichuraiana-family) [ploidy] 14