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'HARlyric' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 169-613
most recent 2 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 days ago by Michael Garhart
Currently growing out a maiden of this rose, and the parallels between the new growth of this rose and Livin' Easy/Easy Going are overabundantly clear. If related, I am unsure how, but it has a very compact foliage and stem internode spacing architecture, and the prickles are nearly identical to the above named roses. It will be interesting to grow out a more compact HT. So few exist. I have two also by Harkness, Royal Philharmonic and Savoy Hotel, which are also quite compact for HT roses. I hope this turns out the same way. Oh, I did once grow out Sue Hipkin, which was also compact. It was more linear, but still compact for an HT.
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