'Tan97281' rose Reviews & Comments
It may be that Tantau used old rose ´La France´ to breed this rose. Don´t you think?
Very unlikely :-) - Since La France to my knowledge is sterile and can not be used for hybridization. But the scent is very similar.
#2 of 7 posted
21 APR 12 by
Niels, thank you for that information about La France and your kind comment.
Perhaps La France has lost some of its fertility, if it won't reproduce for you? Helpmefind lists very large numbers of descendants.
Thank you Margaret. Danish Rosarian Valdemar Petersen claimed it was sterile - but looking at the list of descendants surely contradicts this. Not that I want to use it for hybridization myself though :-)
I think Mr. Petersen was reasonably correct. I count only 11 first generation descendents from 'La France' 1867 using its seed:
Cannes la Coquette 1877 Danmark 1890 Mrs. W.J. Grant <1892 Principessa di Napoli (hybrid perpetual, Lodi/Bonfiglioli, 1897) France et Russie 1899 Ober-Hofgärtner Franz Joost 1902 Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt 1903 Dr. Krüger's La France 1916 John Cook 1917 Silver Beauty 1956. Morgenluft 1962
The other first generation descendents were using 'La France' pollen, or sports.
Thank you for your reply Patricia - It could indicate that La France, have very low fertility - albeit not totally sterile since he and other hybridizers gave up using it. As much as I appreciate the beauty of many classes of roses - fragrance will always be an important trait I look for in a rose. Tantau have attracted some very good roses, that are both healthy and very fragrant.
#7 of 7 posted
20 JAN 24 by
[ed. As per google translate "Both parents are fertile, but if you don't like fennel, you need to be careful. At low temperatures, the last medicine will appear. The germination rate is quite high."]
Initial post
27 AUG 21 by
Available from - Chamblee
Don't buy from Chamblee's, the current ownership is defrauding customers, there are scores of bad reviews now on this nursery. 10/7/23
Initial post
1 JUN 23
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Initial post
1 JUN 23
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *