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'Apricot Meillandina' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 81-579
most recent 9 NOV 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 NOV 14 by Puns 'n' Roses
Why is Apricot Meillandina a synonym for this rose? Shouldn't it be a synonym for the rose bred by Meilland? (
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 NOV 14 by Kim Rupert
Prior to Meilland having minis ready of their own breeding, they offered several American minis under their "Meillandina" and "Sunblaze" names. Ralph Moore's Rise'n'Shine was one. Meilland sold it as Golden Sunblaze and Golden Meillandina. If I recall correctly, this was one of those US minis earlier offered by them in that series.
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