"Sublette Noisette" rose References
Book (2009) Includes photo(s). p37. Gregg Lowery: 'Mary Washington'. Found in Virginia, USA, at Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate, circa 1891. An apocryphal story suggests that this rose was raised by George Washington and named for his mother. The plant however did not surface at Mount Vernon until the end of the nineteenth century, and Washington died five years before John Champneys introduced his 'Pink Cluster'. Regardless, it is a very beautiful example of the class, having small, very double blooms less than an inch across, which appear in large, full clusters. The plant grows upright to 5 feet and is stiffly spreading to about 4 feet. It makes a tidy and thrifty shrub that is always in bloom. 'Mary Washington (photo by Gregg Lowery).
p44. Barbara Worl: it was at Mount Vernon that I first saw 'Mary Washington'. She was covered in small pink buds that opened into loose white petals. As I admired her, I learned from a discussion taking place behind me that local gardening groups had called the rose "Martha Washington" in the 1920s, but that was eventually corrected as the rose is actually named after George Washington's mother. Later I heard a woman from Florida enthuse about the reblooming qualities of this Old Noisette, so I planted 'Mary Washington' to grow up an iron triptych against a wall in a corner of my garden. There she fills the space beautifully and reblooms with abundance. 'Mary Washington' (photo by Ruth Knopf)
Book (Apr 1993) p362. 'Martha Washington'. A plant has been grown under this name for many years in the flower garden at Mount Vernon. It is first evidenced in documents dated 1889. This plant can be identified botanical with Rosa roxburghii Trattinnick. Propagations of this plant were sold as souvenirs at Mount Vernon between 1890 and 1900 and again from 1932 to 1935. Commercial nurseries offered plants of many varieties and types between 1890-1900. Among them were: a vigorous climber with flowers and foliage identical with 'Old Blush', a climber with very pale pink flowers of Noisette type and a trailer.
p365. Mary Washington Noisette, white tinted pink, fading to white, Supposed to have been originated by George Washington; Registered by Frank L. Ross, Nashville, Tennessee. A plant has been grown under this name in the flower garden at Mount Vernon for many years. It is first evidenced in documents dated in 1891...
Book (1936) Page(s) 749. Washington, Mary (hybrid setigera) Washington ca. 1825; white, climbing habit
Book (1918) Page(s) 121. "Roses Retained and Discarded". By George C. Thomas, Jr. Climbing Section. In this section only the best varieties, or those which have special merit or distinction in some particular characteristic, have been retained. Retained. Mary Washington. Growth small; bloom quite attractive; needs winter protection.
Website/Catalog (1917) Page(s) 74. Climbing Tea and Noisette Roses These are the Roses which make such a glorious display in the warmer sections of the country, covering porches, pergolas and trellises with their handsome foliage and gorgeous flowers. Those marked H. will be found hardy even in the coldest climate if given protection during the winter, while those marked M. H. are moderately hardy and especially valuable for open-ground culture south of Philadelphia and in California. Mary Washington. Hardy. — Pure white; perfectly double; borne in large clusters.
Website/Catalog (1910) Page(s) 28. The Ever-blooming Climbing Roses. Climbing Roses are of great utility in beautifying porches, fences, arbors, etc. Price: 30 cents each; $2.50 per 12; $30.00 per 100. Mary Washington. Flowers are borne in large clusters and in endless numbers; pure white, perfectly double and very sweet.
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 19. Hardy Climbing Roses, including Ramblers... Mary Washington. Pure white flowers in large clusters throughout summer...Each .35
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 81. Mary Washington Pure white, with double, sweet-scent flowers, produced in great profusion, in large showy clusters. Relatively hardy.
Website/Catalog (1902) Page(s) 44. Hybrid Perpetuals, or Remontants. Mary Washington — A wonderfully profuse bloomer; flowers medium size, white or light pink; continues in profuse bloom the entire season.
Website/Catalog (1899) Page(s) 51. The Setigera ‘Mary Washington’ (also called 'Washington') was “grown as Estella (or Esther) Pradel in Florida, but we know that that is not the correct name.