'Mrs. Arthur Robert Waddell' rose Reviews & Comments
Does anybody have any hip photos of 'Mrs. A. R. Waddell'?
Mine has no hips at present (late summer).
Thanks Margaret. I have never noticed any hips on mine - but I might have missed or deadheaded them. Does anybody else have any experience with 'Mrs. A. R. Waddell's' hips?
[I note there is only one descendant listed where 'Mrs. A. R. Waddell' was the seed parent, but in 'Albertine', it was used as a pollen parent.]
Hello Patricia. I have just found in Uruguay 3 plants of what seems to be 'Mrs. A. R. Waddell'. If you want, send me please an e mail and I reply with the photo of hips. Not mature. Inés
Thank you Inés. Just add your photos to the 'Mrs Arthur Robert Waddell' file. I know others will be interested in seeing them as well. Patricia
I just went out and found some hips on my Mrs A R Waddell - not many, for a large unpruned floriferous bush. I hadn't noticed them before. I cut three open, and found that two had one reasonable seed each. I'll leave the rest on the bush to ripen! I'll post a photo.
Thank you Margaret. I suspect my 2014 interest may have been sparked by "Port Arthur". But it is good to have photos of hips in the 'Mrs. A. R. Waddell' file.
This rose looks a lot like Crépuscule... might there be some relationship? I bought Crépuscule as a noisette/pernetiana-rose.
Sunlit (Clark HT) is another I wondered about this morning, as it's showing the same shadings on the front and back of petals. Its parentage isn't recorded, but Clark used Crepuscule in his breeding program, and there was an early suggestion that Sunlit was a Tea.
Available from - Kurinda Rose Nursery
Patricia, the Mrs AR Waddell I got from Margaret has never shown any Blackspot, but at this moment a minute touch of Powdery Mildew. Mine cutting grown took a little while to get established but now is powering away in new growth and height. - Warren Millington
‘Mrs. A. R. Waddell’ was known to get a bit of powdery mildew. Although my photos of ‘Mrs. Arthur Waddell’ are slightly pinker than other photos and both my bushes are foundlings from two separate gardens, I am now fairly sure that they are correctly named. Both my bushes are rather tall and narrow, but full of twiggy branches and about 7 feet high on their own roots. (I hope yours is on its own roots as it does better that way than budded - see 1921 and 1930 references.) I’ve added some more references to the file. The 1953 reference is gorgeous. - Patricia
Patricia I had a pet Cucus when I lived as child in the New Guinea Islands, he had his pick of tropical fruit to eat. Great little story hey.
Mine is cutting grown.
My plant, the source of Warren's, was also a foundling,"Grandma Loffler's", ex Pat. I prune it like a Tea, ie a little bit every few years if I get around to it. It is a large bush.