'Mrs. Colville' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 184. Mrs. Colville Breeder unknown, date uncertain. Crimson-purple, single. Graham S. Thomas belieces it a hybrid with...
Book (1998) Page(s) 18. Other hybrids illustrated here include 'Stanwell Perpetual', R. x reversa, 'Mrs. Colville' and R. x hibernica.
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 113. Pl. 56. Includes photo(s). Mrs. Colville. No doubt a hybrid with Rosa pendulina, indicated by its rather smooth red-brown wood, and long, plum-red heps. Nearly single, of intense crimson-purple with a white zone round the yellow stamens. Suckers freely. 3 to 4 feet.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 394. Mrs. Colville Hybrid Spinosissima, bright crimson-purple, white eye, single, Probably R. spinosissima x R. pendulina.
Book (1993) Page(s) 62. Includes photo(s). [Listed under "Wild Roses and Their Cultivars"] Flowers: rich pruplish-crimson with a paler eye, large red hips. A Rosa pendulina x pimpinellifolia hybrid. The hips show the influence of R. pendulina, the Alpine rose, being elongated and reddish.
Book (1992) Page(s) 24. One of the best, Double White, has small, cupped blooms of fresh fragrance and, when planted with semi-double pink Andrewsii and single purple Mrs Colville will produce a beautiful hedge. As these roses spread freely by suckering...
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 27. Mrs.Colville (Hybrid Spinosissima) A fascinating little shrub with single crimson blooms with a white eye. 1950 H. Shade tolerant. W. G. (S) 3 x 3’.
Book (1981) Page(s) 68. Of the single varieties 'Maxima Lutea', yellow; 'Miss Anne's Rose', light purple, and 'Mrs. Colville', carmine with a white eye, are worthy of mention.
Book (1978) Page(s) 212. One of the best is 'Mrs Colville', which has single flowers, purple with white at the petal base surrounding yellow stamens. This is one of the few Scotch Roses with red fruit instead of black, because it is a hybrid with another species, thought to...
'Mrs. Colville' Medium - Purple Late Sopring...A glorious variety which covers itself with rich purple flowers, and presents a spectacle which commands attention. The early flowering time and the close thicket...
Book (1964) Page(s) 28. The round, well-branched bushes of spinosissima varieties such as Double White, Double Yellow, or Mrs Colville (reddish-purple) will conceal the bare lower third of the lilac bush.