'ORAfarcom' rose References
Magazine (2018) Page(s) 15. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses For The 2016-2017 Season. Hybrid Teas. Heaven Scent Orafarcom.....
Magazine (2018) Page(s) 55. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, Final Analysis For 2016-2017. Heaven Scent. Breeders Code Orafarcom. Breeder Orard 2007 Type Hybrid Tea. Parentage Unknown. Plants 24. Reports 23. Height Medium. Garden 5.1. Exhibition 4.4. Health 5.9 (average) Fragrance 7.2 (heavy). Blooms are of a good mauve colour with a great fragrance. Plants have a low spreading habit, but need more blooms, more vigour and are prone to rust and blackspot disease.
Website/Catalog (15 Oct 2016) CONCORSI INTERNAZIONALI PER ROSE NUOVE 2002 "La Rosa Profumata" CORONA DELLA REGINA TEODOLINDA prodotto Varietà: n° 059 Categoria: HT Ibridatore: Orard Joseph (Francia) Denominazione varietale: ORAfarcom (ex ORAlil - 5248-95) Nome di fantasia: Lugdunum ® Punti: 70 Descrizione del profumo, di M. Philippe Sauvegrain "Il premio del profumo maschile è stato attribuito alla rosa blu-violetto n. 59, dalla nota caratteristica molto maschile, potente, pepata, speziata, anisata, fruttata, di ribes nero su un fondo di rosa classica "
Magazine (2016) Page(s) 15. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses For The 2015-2016 Season. Hybrid Teas. Heaven Scent Orafarcom.....
Website/Catalog (16 Oct 2015) Name: 'Orafarcom' Synonyms: 'Heaven Scent', 'Orafarcom' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Lugdunum HT, m, Orard; flowers soft lavender, full, cupped, intense fragrance; recurrent; medium height, robust growth Introductions:Roses Orard, 2008, France
Website/Catalog (16 Oct 2015) Heaven Scent (Orafarcom) HT. Lilac blue flowers, healthy virourous growth on a medium height bush. 1m. Great for picking. NZPVR
Website/Catalog (15 Apr 2015) Name: 'Orafarcom' Synonyms: 'Orafarcom' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Lugdunum HT, m, Orard; flowers soft lavender, full, cupped, intense fragrance; recurrent; medium height, robust growth. Introductions: Roses Orard, 2008, France
Website/Catalog (15 Apr 2015) Includes photo(s).
Type technique : Grandes fleurs. Quoi de plus naturel que de s'ancrer aux racines latines et romaines de LYON, avant de proposer cette variété directement issue de l'école lyonnaise des roses. Lugdunum® Orafarcom est un buisson robuste et sain qui porte des fleurs mauves puissamment parfumées. On pourra sans hésiter l'associer aux autres roses, ou encore la marier aux plantes vivaces et arbustives du jardin. Hauteur: 80 / 90 cm. Utilisation: Massifs, fleurs coupées de plein air.
Magazine (2015) Page(s) 15. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, Review of Newer Roses For The 2014-2015 Season. Heaven Scent Breeders code: Orafarcom. Breeder: Orard 2007. Parentage: Unknown. Garden: 5.7 Exhibition: 3.8 Health: 5.8 Fragrance: 6.7 Height: Medium. Availability: MAT, TAS Manawatu: Beautiful fragrance. Low spreading habit, good coloured mauve, short stems for the size of the flower, does not repeat the best, brilliant fragrance, black spot and rust can be an issue. South Canterbury: Awful, rubbish, pulled it out.
Book (2014) p43. New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground. Trial 43. 2011-2013 TG No. 4813. 59.1points. Heaven Scent. HT. Orard. Entrant: Matthews. Purple.
p47. John Ford. New Zealand Trial Ground Review. Trial 43. 2011-2013 Heaven Scent (Oralil). HT. Bred by Orard. A nice low to medium tall plant that was not too bad health wise until the mites had a good feed in the hot summer sun, it had good repeat flowering but the flower often on the small side and a little flat for me, but that is modern HT's. Lovely fragrance to go with the nice mauve blooms, somehting to at least think about for the garden. Trial number 4813.