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'Lydia Freimane' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 86-174
most recent 23 JUN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 JUN 15 by andrewandsally
Presumably 'Lydia Freimane' and 'Lidia Freimane' are synonyms. Could you confirm? I have a Russian list of rugosa hybrids which, like hmf, lists them separately, but it might have been part-copied from your site..
Discussion id : 40-070
most recent 21 FEB 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 OCT 09 by arvid jørgensen
When I uploaded a seemingly "rare" photo of this rose last year, I was nourishing a hope of being able to produce more of the kind this year for the benefit of HMF gardeners as well as for my own satisfaction. I am sorry to say that this was not to be, as the plant has not been capable of producing any flowers at all this season. So for the time being, we just have to be content with the one there is. One might say that my previous hopes for a better developement of this rose have taken a hopefully temporary turn for the worse. My experience with the hybrid rugosas is that although they are repeat flowering , many of them seem to need a year or two, depending on the size of the plant when you plant it, to flower and repeatflower satisfactorily.This plant was given to me as a gift on a Rose Tour to the Baltic countries some years ago. Miss Lydia was then a tiny plant in a ditto plastic container. I have so far done everything possible for her, the last thing being to remove some ground cover poppies to give her more "breathing space" However, if you think you can do nothing more, there are still three solutions left to try : Patience, Patience and Patience. The good thing is that she so far has been practically diseasefree.

Luckily two other members of HMF have given me competition in uploading photos of this rose. Given time it seems to have improved a lot. I must admit I now find the flowers of this rose among the most beautiful of the hybrid rugosas, and impressingly large too at that.It has started to show a good potential. Time will show.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 28 NOV 11 by Vladimír Ježovič
If there are bad growing roses (plant out in turf), it´s ussually (here in Zvolen, Slovakia) from roots destroyed by grubs (larvae of cockchafer - Melolontha melolontha). Than it needs to used some insectiside as for example Basudin or have in the garden a flock of hens as prevent ;-)
Reply #2 of 6 posted 2 DEC 11 by arvid jørgensen
Thank you for your information Vladimir. I have a good faith that this rose now will develop satisfactorily, but I will keep your advice in mind
Best regards Arvid
Reply #3 of 6 posted 2 DEC 11 by Vladimír Ježovič
Arvid, thanks for good news! I´m glad that bush is doing well! Vladimir
Reply #4 of 6 posted 5 DEC 11 by arvid jørgensen
Yes I have faith in it- I am really impressed by the flowers of this rose. I will keep your advice in mind although I don`t think I will will try hens though. It was a very tiny plant when I got it, so I guess it needed these years to grow first. Good luck with your garden. I will check it out later.
Best regards from Arvid.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 18 FEB 13 by Jukka K
Arvid, do they have scent?
Reply #6 of 6 posted 21 FEB 13 by arvid jørgensen
Yes they do. a lovely scent.
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