'Climbing Comtesse de Labarthe' rose Photos
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In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2023
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 26 APR |
'Clg. Comtesse de Labarthe', Autumn, Perth, Western Australia.
Uploaded 19 APR 18 |
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2023
Uploaded 21 FEB 24 |
2015 Oct 06, my garden on the South Coast of NSW, Australia. The few hot days we have had has helped the buds to blossom. This rose seemed to have laughed at the last couple of 35° days we have had of late. Facing west.
Uploaded 6 OCT 15 |
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2023
Uploaded 21 FEB 24 |
2015 Oct 06, my garden on the South Coast of NSW, Australia. The few hot days we have had has helped the buds to blossom. This rose seemed to have laughed at the last couple of 35° days we have had of late. Facing east.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 6 OCT 15 |
'Clg. Comtesse de Labarthe', Autumn, Perth, Western Australia.
Uploaded 19 APR 18 |
2015 09 28 Almost a year's growth from a bare rooted plant and now has branches more than 2 metres long. Growing on the South Coast of NSW, Australia.
Uploaded 28 SEP 15 |
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