Website/Catalog (2020) Page(s) 202. Includes photo(s). Poblet 80, Albert Dot, 1985, bibliography: LD
Book (2007) Poblet, S. Dot 1985 Blooming period: medium Habit: shrub Vigour: moderate Prickles: average dense, curved Flower: solitary; medium bloom; 47 petals, very full, cupped, diameter 8-10,5 cm; depth 3,5-4,6 cm; strong fragrance Petals: rounded, length 4,0-5,0 cm; width 4,4-5,0 cm; colour of the upper surface deep pink 50 B, reverse deep pink 50 A Stamens: anthers yellow, filaments pink Stygmas: free, yellow Calyx: cupped, smooth Sepals: reflexed downwards, laciniated Foliage: length 14,0-17,0 cm, width 11,0-13,5 cm; colour of the upper surface yellowish green 146 A, reverse light olive green 147 B
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 153. H.T., Poblet, Dot S., 1985