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'Thea mutabilis' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 328.  
Hamon (tea) ? ? ; flesh-pink to carmine-crimson, large, double, broad, fragrance 8/10, growth 7/10
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 77.  
Hamon, thé, carmin et cramoisi
Book  (1884)  Page(s) 12.  
Hamon. (Syn: Thea mutabilis). Large, often very large, double, nice flat cup form, inside yellowish and pink, also flesh-coloured, outer petals crimson, often changing into pink, carmine, poppy, purple, according to soil and location lighter or darker. Wonderful fragrance. This old, but beautiful rose of the first rank has unfortunately disappeared from the catalogues and is only inmy posession. She is tender and very susceptible regarding watering.
Website/Catalog  (1880)  Page(s) 254.  
Rosiers Thés (Rosa indica fragrans).
1034. Hamon. — Grande, pleine, rouge passant au pourpre.
Book  (1880)  Page(s) Annex, p. 58.  
tea, Hamon, flesh-coloured, going over to carmine, large, double, flat cup form, fragrant, tender
Book  (1854)  Page(s) 273-274.  
Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are,...2) Tea roses: ...Hamon...
Magazine  (Jan 1848)  Page(s) insert.  
Prijscourant van Rozen, van J. F. Bruynzeels, Bloemist te Prinsenhage (Provincie Noord-Braband).
Op de Bloemententoonstelling den 23 Julij 1847 te Dordrecht gehouden, werd mijne verzameling Rozen bekroond. Door de groote zorg , welke ik besteed aan dit voorzeker het schoonste der bloemengeslachten, vlei ik mij dat de aflevering nan de verwachting mijner begunstigers zal beantwoorden. De onderstaande, eenige uitgezonderd, worden afgeleverd tegen f 0,50 Cts. het stuk....Theeozen.... Hamon.

Price list of Roses, from J. F. Bruynzeels, Florist in Prinsenhage (Province of North Braband). At the Flower Exhibition held in Dordrecht on July 23, 1847, my collection of Roses was awarded. Due to the great care I pay to this certainly the most beautiful of flower genera, I am flattered that the delivery will meet the expectations of my supporters. The following, with some exceptions, are delivered at 0.50 Cts. the piece....Tea-Roses....  Hamon.
Website/Catalog  (1848)  Page(s) 80.  
Book  (1848)  Page(s) Div. II, p. 135.  
HAMON ; flowers flesh colour to crimson, variable, large and very double ; form, cupped. Very sweet, Very delicate.
Magazine  (16 Jan 1847)  Page(s) 16.  
Meine Rosenflor im Jahre 1846, (Vom Herrn Dr. Wapnitz zu Mainz.)
Nachfolgende Theerosen werden immer an der Spitze schöner Sammlungen bleiben: Adam, Comte de Paris, Triomphe de Luxembourg, Devoniensis; Safrano; Antherosa; Bougère, Moirée; Gombault, Hammon, Hyménée.

My rose blooms in 1846, (From Dr. Wapnitz in Mainz)
Following Tea roses will always remain at the forefront of beautiful collections: Adam, Comte de Paris, Triomphe de Luxembourg, Devoniensis; Safrano; Antherosa; Bougère, Moirée; Gombault, Hammon, Hyménée.
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