'Belle Josephine' rose References
Book (2015) Page(s) 45, 49-51. p. 45: 'Strambio' si riferisce al dottor Gaetano Strambio, famoso medico milanese nato nella vicina Cislago.
p. 49: Un anno dopo compare nel catalogo dell'Istituto Fromont, venendovi descritta come una Cina/Bengala, rose al centro con una sfumatura gialla, con fiori composti da 26/40 petali disposti in forma di calice che emanano un deciso profumo di tè.
Translation: p. 45: 'Strambio' refers to Doctor Gaetano Strambio, a famous Milanese doctor born in nearby Cislago.
p. 49: A year later it appears in the catalog of the Fromont Institute, being described as a China/Bengal, pink in the center with a yellow shading, with flowers composed of 26/40 petals arranged in the shape of a cup which gives off a strong scent of tea.
Book (1936) Page(s) 684. Strombio (noisette) ? ? ; yellowish white, center apricot-yellow, large, double, flat
Book (1899) Page(s) 168. Strombio, noisette, blanc jaune
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 125. tea, Strombio, yellowish white, center apricot-yellow, large, well double, flat cup form
Magazine (1873) Page(s) 50. Ce qui lui donne surtout du prix, aux yeux des amateurs, c'est la longue durée de sa floraison, qui, commencée de bonne heure, se continue fort tard en automne. La plupart des variétés [du Rose Thé], même hybrides, qu'il a produites depuis son introduction dans les jardins de l'Europe, participent à des degrés divers à cette remarquable propriété. On peut citer, parmi les plus anciennes, les roses Belle-Gabrielle, Belle-Elisa, Belle-Hélène, Zénobie, Reine de Golconde, Roi de Siam, Carnot, Bengale jaune, Aurore, Floralie, Moirée, Strombio, etc.
Website/Catalog (1865) Page(s) 2. Stromboit, white, centre yellow, cupped and double
Website/Catalog (1858) Page(s) 22. Tea Roses. Strombio, rosy white.
Magazine (1856) Page(s) pl. facing p. 7. Includes photo(s). 1. Rosa tea, bella Strambio.
Magazine (1854) Page(s) Annex p. 18. EXPOSITION DES 18, 19, 20, ET 21 MAI 1854, CATALOGUE. M. Margottin, horticulteur, 33, rue du Marché-aux-Chevaux., à Paris. ROSIERS. Thés. 933 Strombio.
Book (1854) Page(s) 273-274. Translation: Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are,...2) Tea roses: ...Strombio...