'Madame Pauline Labonté' rose References
Book (2018) Page(s) 271. The Tea-Scented Rose. 69. † Madame Pauline Labonté; flowers salmon, circumference creamy buff, very large and full; form, expanded. Growth, moderate. A good hardy sort.
[Teas] which are marked †, are far hardier than the others, and form good Standards.
Newsletter (Apr 2014) Page(s) 18. No. 11. Includes photo(s). p18. John Hook. France. What Is The Next Step? Cycling is a passion of mine, and this allows me to explore many of the remote roads looking for ‘Finds’. Some of these have a bit of a story to them......... One of my first rose find was “Fusterouau Tea” growing out of scrubby woodland on the side of the road. After talking to a few families familiar with the area, I discovered that there had been an old commemorative cross at the spot, which had disappeared many years before, swamped by the encroaching woodland. The rose had been planted at the cross and had continued to grow. p18. Photo.
p20. 'Madame Pauline Labonté' bred by Pradel from Montauban, France in 1852. This was “Fusterouau Tea” mentioned earlier.
Book (1936) Page(s) 394. Labonté, Mme. Pauline (tea) Pradel 1852; salmon-pink to flesh-pink, large, double, elongated, solitary or up to 3, fragrance 5/10, growth 7/10
Magazine (1910) Page(s) 138. [From a talk held by Pierre Guillot at the Rosarian's Congress in Nantes - translated in "The Old Rose Advisor, Vol. I, p. 103ff] Ses variétés [d'Adam] ont conservé la forme du calice et de la fleur en coupe avec de légères modifications dans la végétation, parfois plus érigée avec plus d'ampleur dans la feuillage, comme.... Madame Pauline Labonté...
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 34. Madame Pauline Labonté (Pradel 1852) salmon-coloured yellow-pink, fragrant
Book (1902) Page(s) 77. Thé. 1741. Madame Pauline Labonté (Pradel 1852), saumon
Magazine (1901) Page(s) 56. Rose thé Pauline Labonté
Book (1899) Page(s) 115. Madame Pauline Labonté, thé, Pradel, 1852, saumon
Book (1895) Page(s) 106. Mme. Pauline Labonté, pink with salmon-yellow
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) 183. Tea-Scented Roses and Their Hybrids. Madame Pauline Lebonte Salmon, large and full; very free bloomer.