'Pink Ghislaine de Féligonde ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Parentage: sport of Ghislaine de Feligonde
Corrected. Thank you
According to the information on Vintage Gardens' site, this is a discovered sport of Ghislaine de Feligonde. Could you please add this information to the lineage of descendants of Ghislaine de Feligonde? Thank you.
Available from - filroses
Thank you for taking the time to notify us of the availability of plants at Filroses. We can no longer add plants to the Filroses availability list through postings on the Q & A Forum as we are no longer certain that the roses on the NURSERY page PLANT AVAILABILITY list represents the current inventory of the nursery. The PLANT AVIALABILTY list is showing 900 different roses currently available.
However, we are quite confident that once the nursery updates their inventory through the update process on the NURSERY page, they will find out how easy it is to maintain a current inventory listing on HMF.
If you need assistance, feel free to contact support ~ at ~ @ HelpMeFind ~ dot ~ com. (remove spaces and ~ symbol or click on SITE FEATURES and the the CONTACT US tab).
Smiles, Lyn