'Madame Soupert' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 675. Soupert, Mme. (HP) Portemer 1863; flesh-white, medium-size, double, fine form, growth 7/10. Soupert, Mme. (HP) Pernet 1864; pure white, center light flesh-coloured, medium size, double, fine form.
Book (1899) Page(s) 116. Madame Soupert, HR, Pernet, 1864, blanc légerement incarnat Madame Soupert, HR, Portemer, 1862, carné
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 85. hybrid perpetual, Madame Soupert (Pernet, 1864), incarnate-white, almost pure white, medium size, double, very beautiful.
Book (1878) Page(s) 192. Madame Soupert, medium size, double, light flesh-white, passing to pure white.
Website/Catalog (1866) Page(s) 27. Madam Souppert, H.P., clear flesh, changing to pure white, very double, the petals well arranged, vigorous growth
Magazine (Jul 1865) Page(s) 202. Une Proménade au Milieu des Roses. Madame Souppert, fleur très-grande, bien faite, imbriquée, blanc légèrement carné passant au blanc pur.
A Stroll Amongst the Roses. Madame Souppert, the very large, shapely, imbricated flower is flesh-tinted white changing to pure white.
Magazine (Oct 1864) Page(s) 213-4. Roses in 1864. Madame Soupert may prove to be excellent, at present we can only say that we have seen one bloom which was charmingly built, very double and compact, and the colour a similar tone of flesh to Caroline de Sansal.
Magazine (27 Oct 1863) Page(s) 327. PORTEMER FILS. Madame Soupert, very full, imbricated; white slightly shaded with blush, passing to pure white.