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'Eternal Flame' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 127-874
most recent 29 MAY 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 MAY 21 by steve fritz
Nice yellow non-fading flower with good scent.

Flowers shrink, wilt, and do not hold up well in North Carolina heat.

Upright plant that will blackspot.
Discussion id : 114-468
most recent 17 DEC 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 DEC 18 by Planetrj (zone 11b/H2 pH 5.8)
Super Fragrant Pure Lemon with a vanilla finish. The petal's outer edges are scalloped and fancy, which give it the appearance of Peonies. Beautiful vibrant yellow buds open to finish a palish butter yellow.

Bloom size 4 1/2" average, long stiff necks. Good vase life. Self-Cleaning shatter. Tall narrow bush 5 feet tall, 2 to 3 feet wide. Blooms at top of bush, so trimming for more bushiness can be helpful to balance out the somewhat lanky habit. Can handle afternoon shade with early morning sun. Very floriferous, and often has buds forming while others are forming.

Resistant to Black Spot, very resistant to Mildew and Rust. Does not require intense feeding, and would be a top pick for a no-spray garden.
Discussion id : 71-416
most recent 5 MAY 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 MAY 13 by bluebuster77
I like the fragrant and vigorous bush, color is ok but during two years period, I found flower is not durable to wind, rain and sun
Discussion id : 54-238
most recent 16 MAY 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 MAY 11 by blocke19
In zone 6 KY this rose wants to get quite tall e.g. 6". Strong, vigorous upright growth. I cut it back a third or more at least twice during the growing season! Large fragrant flowers. No disease at all in my garden. It's only problem is the flowers are very double and can ball in wet weather.
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