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'Henry M. Stanley' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 679.  
Stanley, Henry M. (tea) Dingee & Conard 1891; M. Lombard X Ctsse. Riza du Parc; light pink, shaded apricot-salmon, very large, very double, fine form, fragrance 5710, floriferous, repeats, growth 7/10, bushy.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 72.  
Thé. 1515. Henry M. Stanley (Dingee 1891), rose et abricot
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 78.  
Henry M. Stanley, thé, Dingee, 1891, rose et abricoté
Website/Catalog  (1898)  Page(s) Front cover.  Includes photo(s).
Henry M. Stanley
Website/Catalog  (1897)  Page(s) 60.  
Tea-Scented Roses and Their Hybrids.
Henry M. Stanley​​​​​​​  clear pink, sometimes tinged with salmon, large finely formed flowers, beautiful buds; very free and effective.
Website/Catalog  (1892)  Page(s) 4.  
Four Valuable Tea Roses, Introduced by the Dingee & Conard Company.
Henry M. Stanley.
This elegant new ever-blooming Tea Rose was named in honor of the great African explorer and introduced by us last year; it makes a beautiful contrast with Golden Gate, as the color is a rare and remarkably beautiful shade of clear amber rose, delicately tinged towards the centre with fine apricot yellow; the petals are beautifully edged and bordered with rich carmine, and on the outer or reverse side pass to a lovely shade of salmon or buff rose; the flowers are large, fine full form, excellent substance and deliciously fragrant, having a rich tea scent. 35 cents each; 3 for $1.
Book  (1892)  Page(s) 88.  
Henry M. Stanley. — This rose and Pearl Rivers were introduced with Golden Gate, but none of them has proven of any special value except for summer bedding ; there they have found their place.
Magazine  (Jul 1891)  Page(s) 264.  
[From "Die amerikanischen Rosen" by L. v. Nagy, pp. 261-265]
 25. Henry M. Stanley (Thearose; Dingee & Conard 1890) entstand aus Samen der Madame Lambard und Comtesse Riza du Parc. Die Farbe ist eine seltene Nuance von Ambra Rosa, zartest vom Centrum aus mit Aprikosengelb schattirt. Sehr stark gefüllt und wohlriechend.

25. Henry M. Stanley (Tea rose; Dingee & Conard 1890) originated from seeds of Madame Lambard and Comtesse Riza du Parc. The colour is a rare shade of amber pink, delicately shaded from the center with apricot yellow. Very full and fragrant.
Magazine  (16 Apr 1891)  Page(s) 678.  
[From "Our American Roses", by D. T. Connor, Collingdale, Pa., pp. 678-679:]
Henry M. Stanley, (Tea; Dingee & Conard, 1890). Raised from Madam Lambard and Countess Riza du Parc. The color is a rare shade of amber rose delicately tinged with apricot yellow toward the center; very full and fragrant. 
Website/Catalog  (1891)  Page(s) 46.  
New American Pedigree Roses.
Five Remarkable Novelties, named in honor of the Great African Explorer—Henry M. Stanley, Mrs. Jessie Fremont, Pearl RiversMaud Little, Golden Gate—The Henry M. Stanley Set. :
See Illustration, page 6.—We are sure our friends will welcome these Splendid New American Pedigree Roses, which we have the pleasure of offering for the first time this year. They are the rarest novelties of the season, and the mere announcement of their coming has aroused a wide-spread interest that will doubt less absorb the whole stock we have to offer. Each one of these charming novelties is the product of a special union of two of the choicest old sorts, whose good qualities have in this way been combined and improved in the most interesting manner. And when it is considered that these remarkable combinations were made under the most favorable conditions, and in a Southern climate and locality, where Roses reach their fullest perfection, it is natural that they should prove of unusual beauty and value. The work of obtaining these beautiful novelties by artificial hybridization has required years of careful study and patient skill, and it is confidently believed that they will prove highly interesting and reliable additions to our Lists of Beautiful Roses, but few of which have been originated in this country. 
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