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'Jeanne Forgeot' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 86-051
most recent 20 JUN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 JUN 15 by CybeRose
The Garden vol 55, p. 329 (May 13, 1899)
Rose Jeanne Forgeot (Tea-scented).—What a pity such a grand Rose should be so severely handicapped by a weakly constitution. It seems wonderful that the slender shoots should produce a bloom with the fulness, size, and depth of petal which the Rose under notice has. The flowers are so heavy that the thin stalks almost break with their weight. The colour is a deep chamois-yellow, with a paler creamy tint towards the edges of the petals and a slight shading of salmon. In shape it is like a large egg, and so double, that I question if it will open well outdoors, excepting upon walls. Exhibitors will possibly make much of this variety, and it may come good upon standard Briers, but it appears to me to be as valueless for ordinary cultivation as Cleopatra, a Rose that is seen in such grand form at Rose shows, but rarely in the garden. There is certainly no room at the present day for Teas of poor growth.—P.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 19 JUN 15 by Patricia Routley
Are you having trouble in loading references directly into the rose, Karl?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 20 JUN 15 by CybeRose
I emailed Steve, but have not received a reply.
I still don't have access to add references.
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