'Leni Neuss' rose References
Book (1976) Page(s) 61. According to Suschkow, also the sorts 'Contrast', 'Ramon Bach', 'Leni Neuss', 'Kathrine Kordes' and especially 'Staatspräsident Päts' are suitable components for hybridisation, especially the last sort produces as seed plant vigorous shrubs with long, straight canes, which end with a bloom at the tip.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 27. Bush Roses Leni Neuss (Hybrid Tea)... Hydrangea pink, reverse reddish salmon; large, full. Vigorous, bushy and very floriferous. A desirable type. Highly perfumed. Introduced 1929.
Magazine (1936) Page(s) 124. Includes photo(s). Leni Neuss Same photo: 1934, p. 88; 1935 Spring issue, p. 92; 1937, p. 123
Book (1936) Page(s) 510. Neuss, Leni (HT) M. Leenders 1928; L. Jung X Bar. van Tuyll van Ser; hydrangea-pink, base salmon to brick, reverse reddish old pink, edges silvery, very large, 3/4-full, characteristic form, solitary or up to 3, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom with interruptions, long stems, very long pointed buds, red prickles, large broad foliage, long branches, growth 7/10, upright, 1 m. Sangerhausen
Book (1935) Page(s) 186. Proof of the Pudding. 'Leni Neuss'. HT. (M. Leenders, 1928). A.R.A., 1929. P.P. 1933, 1934. "This rose reminds me of a question we used to ask at school as to why the French master's trousers were like two towns in France. The answer was because they were too loose and too long. The blooms of this rose are too loose and the petals too long, so the whole effect is one of floppiness, unless cut in bud stage. Its form, however, is distinct and decorative but with me it is not free enough to recommend it as a good garden rose." - Rigg (Eng.). Motz (N.Y.) thinks the plant is too weak for so large and handsome a bloom. Bauer (O) rhapsodizes over the marvelous buds and thinks that it will make a great hit with all who grow it. It is a strong grower for Rippon (B.C.), who finds the flower like 'Mrs. Henry Morse' but Kirk (Va.) saw little to recommend it. We have not grown it at Breeze Hill, but we admired it immensely as we saw it growing in nursery fields.
Website/Catalog (1934) Page(s) 115. Leni Neuss (HT) (M. Leenders, 1928) E’ indubbiamente una della più belle rose di questi ultimi anni. Cespuglio ben formato, di bel fogliame, è sempre in fiore; i suoi fiori, enormi, pieni, sono d’un rosa ortensia sfumati di rosa pallido e di rosso tegola. Particolarmente bello ed elegante il bottone, sempre solitario.
Website/Catalog (1934) Page(s) 88. Includes photo(s). Leni Neuss (Hybrid Tea). Vigorous, well-branched, foliage stays healthy, bud long and pointed, bloom very large, moderately filled, lilac-pink (9 ga). The reverse of the petals is reddish pink (9 ra). Good cutting rose.... Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.50 10 pieces RM 4.50, semi-standards RM 1.-, standards RM 1.60
Same photo: 1935 Spring issue, p. 92; 1936 (Grüne Blätter), p. 124; 1937, p. 123
Website/Catalog (1933) Page(s) 87. Leni Neuss (Hybrid Tea). Vigorous, well-branched, foliage stays healthy, bud long and pointed, bloom very large, moderately filled, hydrangea-pink. The reverse of the petals is reddish pink. Good cutting rose.... Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.50 standards 1 piece RM 1.60
Magazine (Dec 1932) Page(s) 108. Leni Neuss (M. Leenders et C°). — Fleur grosse, assez pleine, de belle forme, coloris rose hortensia ; revers des pétales vieux rose rougeâtre sur fond rouge tuile. Très florifère.
Magazine (Apr 1932) Page(s) 48. [From the N.R.S. Trial garden in 1930][continued from August 1931 issue:] Un Certificat de seconde classe a été décerné à: 156. Leni Leuss (H. T.), Leenders & Co (Hollande). Couleur : Rose brillant. Forme de la fleur : Grande, boutons longs, s'ouvrant en plein. Parfum : Odoriférante. Mode de croissance; Très vigoureuse. Feuillage vert rougeâtre, bois et épines rouges. Destinations les mieux appropriées : Exposition, jardins, parterres. Remarque : Une variété genre pivoine énorme, fleurissant librement. Bonne, mais supportant mal la pluie