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'Tchin-Tchin' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 92-667
most recent 11 MAY 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 MAY 16 by Michael Garhart
My wild guess for MEIkim is Dany Robin. Cannot find a reference for either matching names, but maybe they are out there somewhere.
Discussion id : 75-619
most recent 19 DEC 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 DEC 13 by Renato Emma
Syn.'Meichanso', 'Tschin-tschin'
Rosa cespuglio Floribunda/Grandiflora, a portamento vigoroso/folto, ben ramificato. Foglie lucide, coriacee, verde scuro, rosso bronzeo da giovani. Fiori in mazzi, md/grandi, rosso paprika, con riflessi arancio, inalterabili. Fragranza dolce e lieve. Resistente a freddo e malattie. Rifiorente. H.90cm L.60cm. Ideale x fiori da esposizione.
(ROSACEAE) (Francesco Giacomo Paolino, Meilland Intern., Francia, 1978)
Discussion id : 45-601
most recent 7 JUN 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 JUN 10 by Pongracz
The other name is 'Parador' for this rose. It is listed for example under this name in Botanica's Roses. Best wishes from Peter and Celeste from Hungary
Reply #1 of 2 posted 7 JUN 10 by jedmar
Please see the Notes. There are two roses named 'Tchin-Tchin'. 'Parador' is the synonym of the other one.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 7 JUN 10 by Pongracz
Hi Jedmar,
Botanica's Roses has Parador listed as the other name for Tchin-Tchin (MEIkinosi), it is golden yellow HT. From Paolino France, 1978.
Encylopedia of Roses has Parador listed as the other name for Tchin-Tchin (MEIchanso), it is an orange FL. From Paolino, France 1978.
Modern Roses XI says both are called Parador, but the name is registered to MEIchanso, both are also called Tchin-Tchin.
Maybe this will be in the top 10 most confusing rose names? At least they are different colors eh.
Celeste and Péter
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