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'Shaku-yaku' peony References
Book  (2022)  Page(s) 128.  
En mars 1813, Joseph Baumann sollicite l'éxpédition de plantes apparaissant dans le catalogue du jardin [botanique de Montpellier]. Quatre-vingt-treize végétaux, classés en trois catégories, intéressent le pépinièriste dont des Paeonia alba flora Sill...., Paeonia corallina Retz, Paeonia lobata Disf. Les plus délicats sont transportés par diligence, les autres par roulage accélleré à partir de Montpellier.
Website/Catalog  (11 Dec 2008)  Includes photo(s).
The first species mentioned in an herbaceous plant and is known as bai Chinese and is one of the most important medicinal plants in Chinese medicine...
Posted on December 11, 2008 by thomas...
Article (magazine)  (2007)  Page(s) 151.  
The aesthete Emperor Hui Zong (r. 1101-1126) who had created a special office called "Net of flowers and stones" hua shi gang, to collect the strangest and most beautiful things in the empire, ordered a man named Liu You, from what is today Sichuan province, to come and live sevwral months at the capital to work in the imperial garden because of his fame as an extraordinary grafter. Among the marvels he produced there was...hundreds of different kinds of tree peonies mudan (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. = P. moutan Sims.), and herbaceous peonies shaoyao (Paeonia albiflora Pall.), some with different kinds of flowers on the same plant, some with the same flowers but of different colors; and golden lotuses with double flowers, an indescribable luxuriance of fragrance and beauty.
Book  (2004)  Page(s) 348.  
Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora) is used in prescriptions for headache, vertigo; spastic pains in the stomach and intestines, abdominal pain due to diarrhoea or dysentery abdominal mass, appendicitis; abnormal, painful or difficult menstruation. Experimentally, Chinese Peony exhibits analgesic and spasmodic action in animals. The hern has been shown too prevent gastric secretion and may help to prevent gastric ulcers resulting from nervousness. In experiments with mice, peony prolonged sleeping time, acted as anticonvulsive, lowered blood pressure and was anti-inflammatory. ..The drug is used in the United States by traditional Chinese practitioners.
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 1331.  
Paeonia lactiflora Pall., Reise 3 (1776) 286.
Paeonia albiflora Pall., Fl. Ross. 1,2 (1789) 92; P. edulis Salisb., Parad. Lond. (1805) t. 78.
Fragrant peony; Chinese. bai shao yao; Vietnamese. thouc ruoc; Japanese. shaku-yaku; Korean. hambagggot.
E Siberia, Mongolia, China, Korea.
In numerous countries used as ornamental. In China, Korea,, and Japan also cultivated for the roots, used for medicinal purposes.
Ref.: Baik et al. 1986, 69; Chi & Park 1993, 158; Crevost & Pételot 1929, 1; Duong 1993, 528 pp; Ichimura 1932, 100 pl.; Ohwi 1965, 1067 pp.; Vul'f & Maleeva 1969, 566 pp.; Xiao 1991, 305; Xiao & Peng 1993, 111.
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 379.  
Plant Introductions in the period 1800-1899
1808 Paeonia lactiflora (syn. P. albiflora, P. japonica of gardens) E. Siberia, Tibet, China. Reintroduction ...from Canton by Reginald Whitley, a nurseryman from Fulham in London.
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 308.  
Plant Introductions in the period 1700-1799
1784 Paeonia lactiflora (syn. P. albiflora, P. japonica of gardens) E. Siberia, China. Reintroduced.
Book  (Jan 2000)  Page(s) 7, 13.  
Page 7: the full double Paeonia lactiflora cultivars, sometimes referred to as Chinese or French peonies, may be counted on to possess in varying degrees a pleasing fragrance, stronger in pinks and whites...
Page 13: [Traditional Chinese medicine] employs both acupuncture and herbal remedies, utilizing the roots of Paeonia lactiflora (called Radix Paeonae Alba, or bai-shao) and P. veitchii (called Radix Paeonae Rubra, or chi-shao), as well as the roots of suffruticosa tree peonies (mu-dan-pi). The roots of P. emodi are also occasionally employed.
Book  (Jan 1999)  Page(s) 16, 23, 24.  
Page 16: Some of the most beautiful herbaceous peonies are to be found in China, including P. lactiflora, the parent of most garden hybrids and varieties... [it] has also contributed the precious gift of scent to its successors...
Page 23: Paeonia lactiflora (P. albiflora, P. chinensis) is the ancestor of thousands of garden varieties and by far the most influential peony... From early to mid-summer two or more white flowers [bloom on each stem]...
Page 24: The German explorer Peter Pallas [named it] P. albiflora in 1788, forgetting he had named the same plant P. lactiflora (milk flower) in 1776... It has contributed autumn colour to the leaves and scent to the flowers of many of its descendants
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 137.  
Paeonia lactiflora, Siberia, Mongolia, 1964
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