'Camellia' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 449. Pink Bountiful Floribunda, pink, 1945, 'Juanita' x 'Mrs. R.M. Finch'; Hill, J.H., Co. Description.
Book (1951) Page(s) 19. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1951. Hybrid Polyanthas or Floribundas. Pink Bountiful (Byrum, 1944). Very showy large blooms in large clusters. Begonia pink fading to pale pink. Tall growth.
Website/Catalog (1949) Page(s) 18. Greenhouse Roses—Forcing Varieties Forcing Floribunda Pink Bountiful (Patent No. 601)—A petite relative of a Hybrid Tea Rose, splendid for miniature arrangements, the ovoid buds are tinted deep reddish pink, enfolding into flowers with a buff, salmon-pink heart, flushed deeper pink on the outer petals, clear rich pink when fully open. A variety that is extremely easy to grow and a most prolific bloomer. An entirely new blood strain that is proving very popular as a cut flower.
Book (1946) Page(s) Cover flap.. Includes photo(s). Rose Pink Bountiful (HPol). Originally registered under the name of ‘Camellia’ (Roy L. Byrum; Joseph H. Hill Company, Richmond, Indiana; introduced by the Jackson & Perkins Company, Newark, New York.) Plant Patent No. 601. Described on page 227, 1944 American Rose Annual, under ‘Camellia’.
Book (1944) p227. New Roses of All The World. United States and Canada. Camellia Pol. (Roy L. Byrum; intro by Jos. H. Hill Co., 1944). Plant Pat. 601. 'Juanita' x 'Mrs. R. M. Finch'. Bud small, short-pointed, begonia-rose; flower small, double (50 to 60 petals), open,nutty fragrance, rosolane-pink, on strong stem. Foliage abundant, large, dark green,leathery. Vigorous, upright, much branched; abundant bloomer.
p229. Roses Registered or Applications Received Since Publication of 1943 Annual. Camellia Pol. Jos. H. Hill Co., Richmond, Ind.
p230. List of Roses Patented in the United States Since Publication of the 1943 Annual. Camellia Pol. Issued to Roy L. Byrum, Richmond Ind.; assigned to Joseph H. Hill Co., Richmond, Ind., September 28, 1943. No. 601