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'Delicatissima' peony References
Magazine  (1924)  
Delicatissima— Midseason to late: large flower of delicate clear pink; fine bud and strong stems; fragrant; a fine cut flower variety... .30 Each 2.50 Per 10 22.00 Per 100
Website/Catalog  (1915)  Page(s) 20.  
Herbaceous Peonies
Select Double Peonies
Delicatissima. — Light lilac rose; large.
Magazine  (Nov 1911)  Page(s) 61.  
Delicatissima, page 284.
Description in detail— Green flecks and a cream white color are characteristics which frequently distinguish the blooms of this variety.
Remarks— " Delicatissima " usually blooms about two days later than " Floral Treasure," has a more erect habit, has a small crown, and is a tint darker when closely compared with " Floral Treasure."
Website/Catalog  (1909)  Page(s) 4.  
Delicatissima. Flesh passing to blush-white, fully double, rose-scented...$ 1 25
Website/Catalog  (1908)  Page(s) 2.  
Delicatissima ? light flesh guard petals with a light rosy center. Among the first to bloom.
Website/Catalog  (1908)  Page(s) 23.  
Delicatissima. Clear delicate shell-pink, good bud, large flowers on strong stems, fragrant; free bloomer; vigorous, healthy,; a good cut-flower....Each  .60, per 10  5.00
Book  (Apr 1907)  Page(s) 66.  
(1) 1905, Terry's Cat.
(2) 1906, Cottage Gardens Cat.
(3) Cornell Plots Nos. 417, 418, 419, 420 421, 422, 1688.
Book  (1907)  Page(s) 24-25.  
We cannot give a list of more than fourteen varieties of peonies which we would recommend for cut flower purposes out of the list we are now growing. We have many varieties, but they have not been sufficiently tested as yet. The list is as follows: Amabilis Grandiflora, white, very large, double, fringed petals, fine, very sweet; Caroline Mather, purple crimson, large, double and very dark; Delicatissima, rose, large, full, fine, sweet; Duchesse de Nemours, rose-pink, very large, double, sweet, one of the best; Elegans, outside petals dark pink, large salmon center, loose, fine, sweet; Festiva Maxima, creamy white with small center of carmine, round, early, in clusters, sweet; Francoise Ortegat, dark purple crimson, very large, fine, deep, double, and sweet; Fulgida, very dark crimson, good; Humei, rose, full, large, late, one of the best; La France, pink outside petals, with yellowish center, very fine; Perfection, outside petals rose lilac, inside salmon, sweet; Reine Hortense, pink, large, full globular, fine, fragrant; Triumph du Nord, violet rose, lilac shade; Victoria, rose, center yellowish.
W. & T. Smith Company, Geneva, N. Y.
Book  (1907)  Page(s) 37.  
Delicatissima. Holland list. By some considered identical with Floral Treasure. This is a mistake. Delicatissima has been grown many years. Floral Treasure is of recent introduction by Rosenfield. He never had a Delicatissima on his place, never heard of that variety till years after the introduction of Floral Treasure. They may bear some resemblance, but they are not identical. Plant them side by side and note the difference. Delicatissima is described as soft rose.
Website/Catalog  (1906)  Page(s) 2.  
Double Herbaceous Paeonies. Series B. 35 cents each.
Delicatissima, light flesh guard petals, white center ; early.
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