'Marie Crousse' peony References
Book (Jan 1999) Page(s) 320. Marie Crousse Herbaceous Peony. Crousse (France) 1892... pink
Website/Catalog (1948) Page(s) 67. Peonies Strong, 3 to 5 eye divisions Marie Crousse. Salmon pink...35¢
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 9. Peonies Marie Crousse (Mid-season) Fine shell pink, salmon shaded. 35¢
Book (1928) Page(s) 59. A List of Fifty of the Best Inexpensive Varieties Pink Varieties Marie Crousse (Crousse). 8.9. Pink. This is a very attractive flower. The blooms are of a very delicate shell pink bordering on salmon. The stems are stiff and upright. The flower is fragrant and comes into bloom mid-season to late. A splendid variety that is distinct in color from any other pink you might have in your garden. Marie Crousse is a most desirable sort for distant effect. It is such a clear pure self color that it easily catches the eye, even when blooming in the midst of a hundred different pinks.
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 34. Pivoines herbacées...Marie Crousse (Cr.); carné tendre à reflets saumoné, odorante....6 fr.
[no longer listed in the 1929-1931 catalogues, but again in 1935]
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 24. Marie Crousse (Crousse 1892) American Peony Society Rating of 8.9 (50 votes) Delicate shell pink with salmon tints. Bomb type. Tall, erect grower and fragrant free bloomer. Each $3.00
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 39. Paeonia sinensis...Maria Crousse. Peony-form, soft flesh-lilac...1 piece M 4.-
Magazine (Aug 1924) Page(s) 123. SOCIÉTÉ LYONNAISE D’HORTICULTURE Procès-verbal de l’Assemblée générale du dimanche 15 Juin 1924. APPORTS. — ...Sont exposés :... Par la maison Vve Benoit Rivière et fils, horticulteurs-pépiniéristes, 78, rue Coste, à Cuire-lès-Lyon, par Caluire (Rhône), une belle collection de Pivoines herbacées en fleurs coupées où nous remarquons trois nouveautés obtenues par l’établissement ; Président Gérard, Sir de Mme Colette Veillet et Philippe Rivoire, et les variétés plus anciennes : M. Jules Elie, Marie Crousse, Edouard André, Rose d’Amour, Virgo Maria, La Brillante, Adolphe Rousseau, etc. ...A la maison Vve Benoît Rivière, une médaille d’argent pour ses Pivoines herbacées.
Book (1917) Page(s) 95. Marie Crousse. Full, perfect flower of soft salmon pink, a rare and wonderful shade. A most lovely peony to which no mere description can do justice. Crousse, 1892. Bomb. Pink. Large. Midseason. Tall, strong, erect grower. Free bloomer. Garden and cutting.
Magazine (Nov 1911) Page(s) 110. MARIE CROUSSE. Species — P. albiflora. Originated by Crousse, 1892. Donated by Farr. Description of bloom — Type of bloom bomb. Form of bloom globular, medium to loose. Differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total effect) 1 (130) pale lilac rose; guards clear; collar same as guards; center clear. Fragrance unpleasant XX. Blooming time mid-season. Large to medium size. Description of plant — Habit of plant erect, tall, compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem long, medium strong, green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage medium furnished, medium green, medium to fine in size ; veins green. Commercial value — For cut bloom extra good ; landscape value good. Variety as a whole good to extra good.