'Festiva' peony References
Website/Catalog (1926) Festiva - (Don. 1838). Large, full, double, rose type. Creamy white with crimson spots in the center. Fragrant. Drawf grower; late bloomer. Often sold as Festiva Maxima, and sometimes as Edulis Alba. Three year old clump $1.50
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 145. Pivoines herbacées...Festiva.- Blanc pur.
Book (1917) Page(s) 224. Albiflora ( white flowered) . Central China and Siberia. Older Varieties:...Festiva...
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 6. Festiva. Large, perfectly formed cup-shaped flower, glossy cream white, a few petals spotted carmine, late bloomer, dwarf plant; extra...$ 1 00
Book (Apr 1907) Page(s) 83. 859. **FESTIVA ; P. albiflora (Donkelaer. 1838) (1) 1838, Dessert's MSS. (2) 1838, Revue Horticole, p. 154. (3) **1852, Flore des Serres, Vol 8, p. 790. (4) 1885, Revue Horticole, p. 30. (5) 1900. Cyc. Am. Hort. p. 1191. (6) *1906, Cottage Gardens' Cat. (7) Cornell Plot No. 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 1721.
860. FESTIVA ALBA ; P (1) Cornell Plots Nos. 593, 594, 595, 596, 1722.
Book (1907) Page(s) 38. Festiva. Donkelaer, 1838. An old sort. Fine, white center spotted with red.
Book (1907) Page(s) 25. Regarding a list of twenty-four varieties of peonies which we consider best for cut flower purposes, we are pleased to name you the following list: Achillea, blush white, early; Alba Sulphurea, white, late; Alexander Dumas, pink and salmon; Beaute Francaise, flesh pink; Charles Verdier, lilaceous pink; Couronne d'Or, white; Delachei, purple crimson; Duke of Wellington, sulphur white; Duchesse de Nemours (Calot), white; Duchesse de Nemours (Guerin), pink, early; Festiva, white, early; Festiva Maxima, white, early; Humei Carnea, pink, late; Louis Van Houtte, crimson, late; Mme. Breon, rosy flesh white, early; Mme. Forel, pink, late; Nec Plus Ultra, pink; Mme. Coste, tender rose and white; Queen Victoria, flesh white; Jennie Lind, pink, early; Lady Bramwell, pink; Officinalis Rubra fl. pl., crimson, earliest; Officinalis Rosea Superba, rose pink, early; Rubra Triumphans, crimson, early. Cottage Gardens Co.
Magazine (16 Jan 1885) Page(s) 30. Choix de Pivoines herbacées de premier ordre. [par MM. Eugene Verdier et Edouard André] Festiva (?). Fleur grande à grands pétales blancs, ceux du centre absolument blanc pur, bordés de carmin.
Book (1885) Page(s) 78. Festiva, white, shaded to carmine red in the center.
Magazine (1874) Page(s) 26. Mr. W. C. Barry... presented the following report: On Tree and Herbaceous Pæonies. Festiva. — This is a sort of which too much can not be said in praise. Whoever possesses a plant of Festiva Pæony has something which will procure more pleasure and greater satisfaction than money can afford, applied in anyway you choose, or in the acquisition of any object whatsoever. Imagine a plant three feet high, with beautiful dark green glossy foliage, and peering away above ten to fifteen large heads of bloom, each six to nine inches in diameter, pure white, marked here and there with bright streaks of carmine, just enough to show how pure the white is and how beautifully the carmine contrasts with it. Match this with an Ambroise Verschaffelt or a Delachii, and you have a picture or a pair of them, fit for the great and mighty ones of the earth to admire- but within the reach of the humblest citizen to possess.