'Hasina Brand' peony References
Book (Jan 2000) Page(s) 76, 183. Page 76: Hansina Brand Herbaceous Peony. Brand 1925... light pink petals deepen to salmon-pink at the base... Page 183: Hansina Brand Herbaceous Peony. Brand 1925. Gold Medal. A double pink lactiflora
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 9. Peonies Hansina Brand—Prize winning pink. $4.00
Book (1928) Page(s) 22. New Peonies Originated by A. M. Brand In 1923, at the St. Paul-Minneapolis National Peony Show, we exhibited about twenty of our new peonies. These seedlings were all varieties selected by us in 1920 from our trial beds. [...] The judges told us after the judging was done that it was the greatest exhibit of new peonies ever staged anywhere by an originator. These seedlings were awarded the Society’s Gold and Silver Medals, the Gold Medal going to the variety Mrs. A. M. Brand, a great white, and the Silver Medal to the variety Myrtle Gentry, a delicate pink. Several awards of merit were also given. ...In this collection of Seedlings appeared the following varieties: Hasina Brand (A. M. Brand 1925). Pink. A flower of beautiful form and great size. The plant is very tall and strong, which enables it to hold its great blooms erect. The color is a glistening, flesh pink with a salmon reflex shading deeper towards the base of the petals, which gives it a very distinct color. As it fades, it resembles Solange in color and has often been mistaken in our show room for a perfectly formed specimen of this flower. But Solange sometimes fails to develop its flowers at all and often produces imperfect bloom, while Hasina Brand comes good every year. This is one of the very best of this list of seedlings.