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'Passion ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 131-608
most recent 8 FEB 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 FEB 22 by Johno
Sangerhausen in the book and plant label refer to this rose as Baums Rugosa Rokoko, no doubt to avoid confusion with the Tantau 1987 Rokoko which is also in the collection.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 8 FEB 22 by Patricia Routley
Different class, different colours, but same name and same year. Gee, how do these things happen. HelpMeFind has:
Rokoko (shrub, Evers/Tantau, 1987) Light yellow
Rokoko (hybrid rugosa, Baum 1987) Rose-pink.
Discussion id : 32-341
most recent 3 FEB 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 DEC 08 by PaulG
I question the ARS color of orange-pink for this rose. In my garden it is a light mauve, just like most of the pictures posted here. Light mauve would be more in line for a Hybrid Rugosa. I doubt that the earliest picture is Showy Pavement, too light, too pink and too floribunda like.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 13 DEC 08 by Cass
Thanks for the information. The ARS corrected the color to medium pink after this rose was entered into the HMF database. I'll call it mauve to rose-pink. As for the hue of the first few shots (excluding the orangish one), I try not to take digital shots that are off-hue too seriously. It is easy to make hues inaccurate by adjusting the white balance or even by over-compressing images.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 13 DEC 08 by PaulG
Cass, Thanks for correcting the color in the descripton.
It's not just the color of the flowers in the earliest picture, it's the shape and the number of them. To me they just don't look like Showy Pavement or any H. Rugosa for that matter. It looks like a picture of a Floribunda, IMHO.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 13 DEC 08 by Cass
Oh, I confused myself with the oldest picture, which is clearly wrong, and the next two. I agree the first shot is an error. I'll have it removed.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 13 DEC 08 by PaulG
Thanks Cass,
I was going to say to leave the next two as I've seen flowers like that before. But now that I think about, I'm pretty sure it was on Darts Dash and not Showy Pavement. So I'll leave it up to you if you want to keep them or not.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 3 FEB 14 by kysusan
The confusion must have been caused by another rose named Rokoko, TANokor by Evers. It is indeed an orangy-pink floribunda. Lovely too! I was looking for it and found this Pink Pavement.

All the references under "Buy From" for Tanokor turn out to be Pink Pavement, except for Pickering Nurseries in Canada.
Discussion id : 31-265
most recent 28 OCT 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 OCT 08 by anonymous-153399
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