"Caldwell Pink" rose Photos
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September 20, 2024 in San Diego, California.
Uploaded 21 SEP |
Coastal San Diego County
Uploaded 17 NOV 18 |
Acquired as Caldwell Pink, so named after the Texas location where it was "rustled," this rose starts blooming a few weeks later than most, but is completely free of any disease. This one is practically feral, doing its thing in Central Texas.
Uploaded 7 MAY |
Coastal San Diego County
Uploaded 17 NOV 18 |
My Garden, Rancho Mirage, CA zone 9b 5-27-23
Tough as nails!
Uploaded 27 MAY 23 |
From the garden of Ken Wilkinson, Cornelia, GA.
Uploaded 26 JUL 16 |
Excellent plant, grows well in my hot, humid climate. Love the lavender pink perfect blooms.
Uploaded 26 NOV 19 |
From the garden of Ken Wilkinson, Cornelia, GA.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 26 JUL 16 |
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