'Pink Soupert' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 675. Soupert, Pink (polyantha) Dingee & Conard 1896; Clothilde Soupert X Lucullus; glossy pink, sometimes shaded light pink and violet, small to medium, double, cup form, in clusters of 5-10, fragrance 7/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, short stems, dense foliage, growth 6/10, bushy, short. Sangerhausen
Book (1906) Page(s) 135. 8.766. Pink Soupert, Hybride de Multiflore ou Polyantha, Dingee 1896 rose et rouge
Website/Catalog (1901) Page(s) 34. Includes photo(s). p34. 'Pink Soupert'. Identical with 'Clotilde Soupert', except in color of flower. Has the same stocky, sturdy habit of growth, blooms as free, with large handsome flowers, same form as 'Clotilde Soupert'. Color rich, dark, shining pink, sometimes nearly red. Young plants commence to bloom in May and continue to give crop after crop of flowers until late in October. Small plants frequently produce 50 perfect flowers at one time. Hardy without protection.
p55. Illustration
Book (1900) Page(s) 101. No. 1290 'Pink Soupert'. Dingee, 1896. Rose et rouge. .
Website/Catalog (1898) Page(s) Front cover. Includes photo(s). Pink Soupert
Website/Catalog (1898) PINK SOUPERT. Pink Soupert inherits all the grand garden qualities of its parent, Clothilde Soupert, and is a clear pink throughout; bright and attractive; the coloring deepens in some flowers to cherry-red, and in others it lessens to light clear pink. The profusion of bloom is wonderful, the whole plant being a mass of flowers. No rose can possibly excel this for outdoor bedding, and none can be more attractive. 15 cts.. to 25 cts. each.
Website/Catalog (1898) Page(s) 136. Polyantha, or Fairy Roses. Pink Soupert. The flowers take their form from Clotilde Soupert, and in color are a deep Hermosa pink. It is a continuous bloomer. 10 cts. each; 6 for 50 cts.
Website/Catalog (1897) Page(s) 6. New Roses. Pink Soupert (Polyantha). A seedling from Clothilde Soupert, with pretty rosette shaped flowers, varying in colour from pale pink to red; very fragrant and produced in great abundance.
Website/Catalog (1896) Page(s) 4. New Roses of Special Beauty. Pink Soupert. The flowers are the exact form of Clothilde Soupert's, and in color a deep Hermosa pink. Single plants, when six months old, under ordinary circumstances often produce 50 perfect flowers. It is a continuous bloomer, each branch producing a cluster of bloom. 20 cents.
Magazine (1896) Page(s) 48. Pink Soupert. (Polyantha). Dingee u. Conard Co. (Clotilde Soupert X Lucullus). Unter 300 Befruchtungen soll sie die beste nach 4jähriger Prüfung sein. Ihre Reichblütigkeit braucht nicht weiter betont zu werden, jeder Zweig endigt mit einem Büschel von Knospen. Halbjährige Pflanzen liefern schon mehr als 50 vollkommene Blumen. Sie blüht ebenso gut unter Glas wie im Freien, und ist der Clotilde Soupert hierin ebenbürtig. Die Farbe ist meist rot, zuweilen glänzend rosa, der "Hermosa" am meisten ähnelnd. Auch hellrosa mit violett schattierte Blumen erscheinen, überhaupt alle diese Färbungen sind neu. Die Form ist wie bei Clotilde Soupert, auch im Wuchs sind beide gleich. Beide Sorten machen einen hübschen Effekt, wenn zu Gruppen vereinigt.
Translation: Pink Soupert. (Polyantha). Dingee & Conard Co. (Clotilde Soupert X Lucullus). It is said to be the best out of 300 crossings after 4 years of testing. Its rich flowering does not need to be emphasized any further; each branch ends with a cluster of buds. Semi-annual plants already produce more than 50 perfect flowers. It blooms just as well under glass as it does outdoors, and is on a par with Clotilde Soupert in this respect. The colour is usually red, sometimes glossy pink, most similar to "Hermosa". Light pink flowers shaded with violet also appear, all of these colours are new. The form is like that of Clotilde Soupert, and both are also similar in habit. Both varieties make a lovely effect when grouped together.