'Rubra plena' peony References
Website/Catalog (29 Jan 2010) Paeonia species double red Probably a species or variety listed in the catalogues under a more specific name.
History at Camden Park Received per ‘Sovereign’ February 1831. [MP A2948].
Book (Jan 2000) Page(s) 83. Paeonia officinalis 'Rubra' Herbaceous Peony. Probably the most widely grown red double of pioneer days and one of the two most widely available cultivars of species peonies in North America; the other is Paeonia tenuifolia 'Rubra Plena'... the Memorial Day peony... Valuable as a cut flower...
Book (Jan 1999) Page(s) 633. Includes photo(s). Paeonia officinalis 'Rubra Plena'
Website/Catalog (1996) Page(s) 33. Includes photo(s). Rubra Plena - Officinalis
Website/Catalog (1995) Page(s) 34. Includes photo(s). RUBRA PLENA - Officinalis Fleur très double, énorme, rouge profond et tellement parfumée. La plus précoce des Pivoines. Végétation vigoureuse. Hauteur : 80 cm
Website/Catalog (1995) Page(s) 34. Includes photo(s). RUBRA PLENA - Officinalis Fleur très double, énorme, rouge profond et tellement parfumée. La plus précoce des Pivoines. Végétation vigoureuse. Hauteur : 80 cm
Website/Catalog (1992) Page(s) Autumn issue, p. 22. Pivoines Officinalis ....Floraison précoce et beau feuillage vert franc. ....RUBRA PLENA : rouge vif très lumineux, double florifère.
Website/Catalog (1938) Page(s) 10. Peonies Off. Rubra Plena (Very Early) Old fashioned red "piney". 35¢
Website/Catalog (1931) Page(s) 20. Paeonia officinalis rubra plena Dark red, double, 60/70 cm, May/June 1,20 Marks [10] 10,80 [100] 96,--
Book (1928) Page(s) 57. A List of Fifty of the Best Inexpensive Varieties Red Varieties Officinalis Rubra. 8.6. Red. A large, round bloom of vivid crimson. This is the deep bright red peony of the old time garden. Earliest of all good peonies. Very desirable in this latitude, as it is generally in bloom on Memorial day. The red “piney” of our grandmother’s gardens. Nothing to take its place.