'Achilles' peony References
Book (Jan 2000) Page(s) 159. Achille Herbaceous Peony. Calot 1835. A double pink lactiflora
Magazine (1924) Achille—(Calot) Early delicate flesh pink.... .25 Each
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 15. Choice List of Peonies Achille — Fine large five-inch bloom, very floriferous; opens light flesh-colored pink, finishing blush-white, with an occasional creamy spot; somewhat resembling an immense Carnation; an excellent variety for all purposes. 35 cents each.
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 2. DOUBLE HERBACEOUS PEONIES SERIES B. 35 cents each Archille, (Calot 1855) delicate flesh color, very fresh coloring.
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 23. Achille. (Calot). Delicate flesh fading white, moderately large, fragrant, early, free grower and bloomer, much used for cut flowers, vigorous...Each .20, per 10 1.00, per 100 7.00
Book (Apr 1907) Page(s) 14. 21. ACHILLE, P (Calot, 1855) (1) 1855, Dessert's MSS. (2) Cornell Plot Nos. 3, 4.
22. ACHILLEA. P (1) 1906, Cattage Gardens Cat.
23. ACHILLES, P (1) 1906, C. M. Wild Cat. (2) Cornell Plots Nos. 5, 1610.
Book (1907) Page(s) 25. Regarding a list of twenty-four varieties of peonies which we consider best for cut flower purposes, we are pleased to name you the following list: Achillea, blush white, early; Alba Sulphurea, white, late; Alexander Dumas, pink and salmon; Beaute Francaise, flesh pink; Charles Verdier, lilaceous pink; Couronne d'Or, white; Delachei, purple crimson; Duke of Wellington, sulphur white; Duchesse de Nemours (Calot), white; Duchesse de Nemours (Guerin), pink, early; Festiva, white, early; Festiva Maxima, white, early; Humei Carnea, pink, late; Louis Van Houtte, crimson, late; Mme. Breon, rosy flesh white, early; Mme. Forel, pink, late; Nec Plus Ultra, pink; Mme. Coste, tender rose and white; Queen Victoria, flesh white; Jennie Lind, pink, early; Lady Bramwell, pink; Officinalis Rubra fl. pl., crimson, earliest; Officinalis Rosea Superba, rose pink, early; Rubra Triumphans, crimson, early. Cottage Gardens Co.
Book (1907) Page(s) 35. Achille. Calot 1855. Delicate flesh, fading to white; early and fragrant. This has been sent out innocentl}' by many firms as Marie Lemoine. A fine variety.
Website/Catalog (1906) Page(s) 39. Achilles, rose form, sometimes passing to loose cup form, softest lilac with light green highlights in the centre.