'White Dragon' peony Photos
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illustration from the 1900 catalog, Yokohama Nursery Co., Yokohama, Japan; scan courtesy of the Special Collections at the National Agricultural Library, USDA
Uploaded 19 JUL 21 |
Collection des pépinières Pivoines Rivière (Crest, département de la Drôme, France) - 26 avril 2015 (altitude : 171 m)
Uploaded 31 DEC 15 |
illustration from the 1900 catalog, Yokohama Nursery Co., Yokohama, Japan; scan courtesy of the Special Collections at the National Agricultural Library, USDA
Uploaded 19 JUL 21 |
Collection des pépinières Pivoines Rivière (Crest, département de la Drôme, France) - 26 avril 2015 (altitude : 171 m)
Uploaded 31 DEC 15 |
Collection des pépinières Pivoines Rivière (Crest, département de la Drôme, France) - 26 avril 2015 (altitude : 171 m)
Uploaded 31 DEC 15 |
Collection des pépinières Pivoines Rivière (Crest, département de la Drôme, France) - 26 avril 2015 (altitude : 171 m)
Uploaded 31 DEC 15 |
Collection des pépinières Pivoines Rivière (Crest, département de la Drôme, France) - 26 avril 2015 (altitude : 171 m)
Uploaded 31 DEC 15 |
Collection des pépinières Pivoines Rivière (Crest, département de la Drôme, France) - 26 avril 2015 (altitude : 171 m)
Uploaded 31 DEC 15 |
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