'P. coriacea Boiss.' peony References
Article (magazine) (2006) Page(s) 79. [Key to the Genus Paeonia in the Mediterenean] 1a. Plants entirely glabrous, very occasionally pubescent on lower surface of leaves; carpels glabrous, very occasionally hispid. 2a. Carpels mostly 4–8, very rarely less; leaves purple and always glabrous beneath, lower leaves always with nine or less entire leaflets (Baleares) (2n = 10). . . . . P. cambessedesii 2b. Carpels mostly 2–4, less frequently 1 or more; leaves green-gray or purple, glabrous or holosericeous beneath, lower leaves with nine or more leaflets/segments. 3a. Leaves glabrous, very occasionally pubescent beneath; lower leaves mostly with more than nine leaflets/segments; carpels 2, less frequently 3 or 4 (S Spain and Morocco (2n = 20) . . . . .P. coriacea 3b. Leaves mostly holosericeous, rarely glabrous beneath; lower leaves mostly with 9 leaflets; carpels 1–5 (2n = 10). . . . .P. corsica 1b. Plants hairy, very occasionally glabrous; carpels tomentose. 4a. Hairs on carpels 3 mm long, yellow-white; leaflets/segments mostly more than 9, very rarely 9 in number, glabrous or sparsely hispid beneath (Spain, France, Italy, Sicily, Greece to Iraq) (2n = 20). . . . .P. mascula 4b. Hairs on carpels 1.5 mm long, brown-yellow; leaflets/segments mostly 9, rarely more in number, rather densely holosericeous, rarely glabrous beneath (Corsica, Sardinia, Ionian Islands and Akarnania Province) (2n = 10) . . . . P. corsica
Book (Jan 1999) Page(s) 37. ...in Morocco in the Atlas Mountains and southern Spain, ....Paeonia mascula subsp. coriacea...reach 55 cm..... light pink flowers up to 10 cm wide.
Book (1917) Page(s) 226. Coriacea (leathery). Spain, North Africa. Flowers bright crimson, seeds dark purple. Leaves composed of nine to thirteen leaflets, which become leathery as they advance in age.
Book (Apr 1907) Page(s) 58. 560. CORIACEA, PAEONIA (TYPE-SPECIES) (Boiss) (1) 1884, Revue Horticole, p. 488. (2) 1894, The Garden, Vol. 46, y. 104. (3) 1899, Peter Barr & Son, Cat.
Book (1907) Page(s) 3. Peonia Coriacea. Boiss. Similar to Peonia Albiflora, with even broader leaflets, bright crimson flowers, purple stigmas and smooth seed vessels.