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'Globe of Light' peony References
Book  (Jan 1999)  Page(s) 61.  Includes photo(s).
Globe of Light introduced by Kelway in 1928, is a classic example of the Japanese peony form, also known as 'imperial' or 'anemone-flowered'
Website/Catalog  (1927)  Page(s) 6.5.  
Peony Novelties
New Varieties for 1928
Kelway's Globe of LightAward of Merit, Royal Horticultural Society. 21st June, 1927. (Imperial)
Kelway's Globe of Light.—"There are so many good Pæonies now in commerce it seems difficult to strike something out of the ordinary. However, at the last meeting og the Royal Horticultural Society two varieties of outstanding merit gained the coveted award; one was Globe of Light, which resembled a huge anemone-flowered Chrysanthemum, the outer guard petals being a silvery rose, while the cushion was formed of very narrow petals of pale rose and yellow, all crimped together/"—The Nurseryman and Seedsman, June 30, 1927.
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