'Sweet Autumn Clematis' Reviews & Comments
Be mindful of where you purchase Sweet Autumn clematis. It is invasive in many areas of the country, but also, many are selling the similar Virgin's Bower or virginiana clematis as Terniflora clematis. Virgin's Bower will have toothed leaves, while Terniflora will have smooth leaf margins or very nearly so.
#1 of 2 posted
1 MAR 05 by
Unregistered Guest
when is the best time to heavily prune a sweet autumn (clematis viticella) i am new at this and need to learn the proper care . i live in zone 7
#2 of 2 posted
23 MAY 05 by
I've had a sweet autumn clematis growing on my pergola for three years now. I've cut this down each year around late February or early March. It has grown to 25 feet or more in the last two seasons.
#3 of 2 posted
26 MAY 05
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#4 of 2 posted
5 JUN 05 by
I read that you are growing Sweet Autum Clematis up a pergola. I live in zone 5 and planted one of these next to the back door to climb up the metal electrical pole that is attached to the house going up about 12 feet. Can I keep this clematis at this height? Does it hurt the plant if I cut it down pretty far every spring? In my mind I pictured this plant to be smaller until last week I went to the Chicago Bitanical Gardens and saw it going up and a little over a pergola. I also saw how the vine becomes woody. I do have a pergola but it is full with three cl roses and silver lace vine.