'Texensis 'Duchess of Albany'' clematis References
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 167-168. Includes photo(s).
Book (1999) Page(s) 235. Includes photo(s). ...clear pink with rose pink bars and cream stamens...
Book (1999) Page(s) 130. Clematis 'Duchess of Albany', cv., 1968
Magazine (1945) Page(s) 33. Includes photo(s). Descriptions of Clematis on Colored Plate Opposite Clematis “Duchess of Albany”. Although there are several hybrids of the American C. texensis only a few of these are now carried by nurserymen. One of the most attractive is Duchess of Albany. The petal-like sepals often have a dark band down the center and a paler tinge along the margins.
Magazine (28 Jul 1937) Page(s) 56. TWENTY BEST LARGE-FLOWERED HYBRIDS OBTAINABLE IN THIS COUNTRY Duchess of Albany* [see footnote] Texensis Type All bloom on new wood except Belle of Woking and Sir Garnet Wolseley
*Or any other Texensis Hybrid, Duchess of York, Countess of Onslow, Grace Darling, Admiration, all with trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink or scarlet.
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 106. Duchess of Albany (Hybride de coccinea). Rose brillant centre plus foncé.
Magazine (Sep 1922) Page(s) 142. Société lyonnaise d’horticulture Procès-verbal de l’Assemblée générale du DIMANCHE 23 JUILLET 1922... APPORTS. — ....Sont exposés :....Par M. Jean Meunier, propriétaire à Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d’Or (Rhône), une collection en fleurs coupées de 11 variétés de Clématites, parmi lesquelles sont à signaler : Duchess of Albany, Gipsy Queen, Modesta, Perle d'Azur, Ville de Lyon, Ville de Paris, Viticella rubra, La Nancéenne, etc..., et 33 variétés de Roses ; parmi les plus méritantes nous citons : Mme Driout, Mme Segond Weber, Reine Carola de Saxe, Château du Clos-Vougeot, Marie-Adélaïde, Lady Mary Ward, Betty, Chrissie Mac Kellar, Mme Edouard Herriot, etc... ....Une Médaille d’argent à M. J. Meunier pour ses Clématites et Roses.
Website/Catalog (1921) Page(s) 61. Duchess of Albany. Red, bell-shaped blooms.
Website/Catalog (1920) Page(s) 27. Clematis...Duchess of Albany, blooms pitcher-form, bright pink...1 piece M 6.-
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 109. Clematis Coccinea Hybrids Duchess of Albany. A beautiful bright pink; deeper in the center.