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'C. ternata Makino synonym' clematis References
Book  (Oct 2001)  Page(s) 233-234.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1965)  Page(s) 441.  
5. Clematis japonica Thunb. C. ternata Makino - Hanshō-zuru. Scandent, sparsely pubescent subshrub; leaves petiolate, ternate, the leaflets ovate or elliptic, 5-8 cm. long, 2-4 cm. wide, subsessile, 3- to 5-nerved, acuminate to acute, cuneate to obtuse at base, with coarse teeth especially on upper half; flowers 1 to few, between the bud-scales at the base of young shoots, nodding, campanulate, 2.5-3 cm. long, purplish red or brownish red, the peduncles 5-10 cm. long, with a pair of small bracts above the middle; sepals 4, broadly lanceolate to narrowly ovate, slightly fleshy, nearly glabrous except the short white-tomentose margin; stamens about half as long as the sepals, the filaments flat, pubescent above; achenes broadly lanceolate, about 6 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly pilose; style 3-3.5 cm. long. - May-June. Thickets in mountains; Honshu, Kyushu. - Forma purpureofusca Hisauchi. Peduncles shorter, bibracteate near base. - Forma villosula Ohwi. Sepals yellow-villous externally, sometimes divided.
Magazine  (Oct 1878)  Page(s) 160.  
Arbustes d'Ornement en Espalier ...Clematis. — Toutes les espèces et variétés à grandes fleurs : Cl. lanuginosa, patens, Jakmanni, viticella venosa, Fortunei, bicolor, etc., trop connues pour que nous ayons à en faire l'éloge. Très rustiques, terre sablonneuse. Leur ajouter les Cl. glauca, orientalis, biternata, apiifolia, japonica, moins connues qu'elles ne méritent de l'être.
Magazine  (1877)  Page(s) 266, 269.  
p. 266: Clematis japonica (De Candole)

p. 269: Clematis Japonica.
Book  (1875)  Page(s) Vol. I, p. 2-3.  
Clematis L. ....
8. Japonica Thunb. fl. Jap. 240. — Miq. Prol. 190.
Hab. in umbrosis silvarum : Kiousiou, ad Nangasaki (Thunberg). Nippon media, in regione montanâ (Siebold); ad Yokoska (Savatier, n. 8.); ad Simoda (Will. et Morr.) Fl. Jul.
Japonice. – Tani no dama ; han sjoo tsourou (Miq.) Tsurigane Kadsura (Keiske).
Icon. Jap. - Phonzo Zoulou, vol. 29, fol. 6 recto, sub: Han sjoo dzourou.
Book  (1872)  Page(s) 157.  
The names of some few species which occur in garden catalogues are omitted from amongst the foregoing descriptions, in consequence of the plants they represent being quite unknown to us, having, as we suppose, passed out of cultivation. We particularly refer to C. biternata (white), C. chinensis (dull purple) , C. dahurica ( dull purple) , C. japonica (purple), C. terniflora (white), and C. triternata (white) . It may, we think, be safely assumed that they are unimportant as garden plants. One or two others, as C. Gebleriana (soongarica) and C. jubata, are essentially weedy in character ; while of some few which occur in the Continental trade lists, as C. Blackburniana, C. californica, C. Camusetii, C. indica, and C. Leeana, we have been unable to obtain any reliable information. C. nepalensis, another cataogue name, appears to be applied to C. montana in some plant lists.
Website/Catalog  (1867)  Page(s) 20.  
Clematis japonica Thunb. 
Book  (1863)  Page(s) 1017.  
On cultive encore les Clematis triternata, revoluta, cylindrica et Japonica.
Book  (1861)  Page(s) 328.  
Japanese Plants... Clematis japonica, Thbg.
Article (magazine)  (1846)  Page(s) 176.  
Clematis DC.
300. Cl. japonica Thbg. Flor. jap. p. 240
Caulis adultus lignescens tenuis sordide stramineus. Petioli soepe cirrhosi. Folia e ramulis lateralibus abbreviatis subfasciculata, pubescentia. Flores solitarii vel gemini, nutantes, pedunculo quani folia breviori, habitu Atrag. alpinae sed dimidio minores. Filamenta dense hirsuta.
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