'C. 'Standishii'' clematis References
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 20. it was the arrival of C. patens, C. lanuginosa, and the early Japanese cultivars C. 'Fortunei' and C. 'Standishii' [the latter two introduced by Robert Fortune] which offered the greatest potential to future breeding...
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 55. Standishi, bleu métallique.
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 107. Standishii (Patens). Bleu lavande.
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 77. Spring & Summer Flowering Clematis. Flowering during May, June and July. As these flower upon the ripened wood of preceding year's growth, they must be but slightly pruned in winter. Standishii, light mauve purple... 1s. 6d
Book (1906) Page(s) 52. Principal garden varieties of Clematis: Patens type. (Flower in May and June.) Standishii... Light mauve purple.
Magazine (1877) Page(s) 262, 271. p. 262: Cl. flor. Standishi. — Hamb. G. u. Blz., 1863, 391.
p. 271: Clematis Standishii (flore XXI), s. patens; bleu azuré.
Website/Catalog (1875) Page(s) 79. CLEMATIS. Virgin's Bower. Waldrebe, Ger. Clematite, Fr. The Clematis are elegant, slender branched shrubs, of rapid growth, handsome foliage and beautiful large flowers of all colors. The newer varieties introduced within the last five or six years are great acquisitions. Either in the open ground as pillar plants, bedding plants, single plants in masses or about rock-work, or cultivated in pots or tubs, the Clematis cannot be excelled. We append the following from the English "Gardener." Jackman's Clematises: "They are magnificent; and more than this, they do give us some of the grandest things in the way of creepers the horticultural world has ever seen, making glorious ornaments either for walls, verandahs, or rustic poles or pillars, varying in color from deep rich violet hue to dark velvety maroon, and in the newer seedling forms, beautiful shades of pale bright blue." They will stand the severest Winters if the roots are slightly covered. Class II. Varieties Flowering in the Spring and Early Summer, on the Old or Ripened Wood. C. Standishii. Beautiful violet blue flowes. $1.00
Book (1872) Page(s) 143-144. C. STANDISHII, Moore.—A handsome spring-flowering Clematis introduced from Japan, and one of the parents of many of the new varieties produced during the last few years. It is of a somewhat slender habit of growth, resembling C. patens both in this respect, and in regard to the foliage. The leaves are ternate, with small ovate, somewhat acuminate leaflets, and the flowers, which are finely formed, and consist of about eight elliptic mucronately-pointed sepals, are of a pretty light mauve-purple colour, with a metallic lustre which considerably enhances their beauty ; they are about five inches in diameter, and are produced, as in the other early-blooming sorts, from the well-ripened wood of the previous season. It can be used effectively where spring flowers are required in beds, if the situation is such that the summer shoots can be retained. The plants are remarkably free-flowering, and it may be regarded as one of the most beautiful types of the genus, no less for the profusion of its flowers than for the richness of its colouring. An indifferent figure, too small in size and false in colour, occurs in the Floral Magazine (t. 153), thence copied into the Belgique Horticole (xiv., t. 3).
Magazine (7 Sep 1867) Page(s) 926. "Climbing Plants" by William Paul. ...The following are amongst the best of climbing plants, selected for the rapidity of their growth or the beauty of their flowers: they lose their leaves on the approach of winter: Clematis Standishii. — Flowers deep blue, free, hardy and good.
Website/Catalog (1867) Page(s) 21. Clematis Standishii Hort. ....5 Francs