'Barbara Harrington' clematis Description
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Red, purple shading, white anthers. 6 petals. Average diameter 4". Single, curved edge, overlapping bloom form. Early summer to early autumn.
Breeder's notes:
Raised from clematis Comtesse de Bouchard and retains its parent's ability to flower well over a long period. Free flowering plant is superb when grown with climbing and rambling roses.
United States - Patent No: PP 15,594 on 22 Feb 2005 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 10/388,904 on 15 Mar 2003 Inventors: Harrington; Dominic (Wisbech, GB)
`Barbara Harrington` was discovered by the inventor in 1996 in a cultivated area of Cambridgeshire, England. `Barbara Harrington` was discovered as a single plant growing in a bed of Clematis `Comtesse de Bouchard` (not patented).